Amazing! :D
findingaplace's forum posts
"In many ancient myths, the wolf was portrayed as brave, honorable, and intelligent. The best examples of these myths can be seen in those of the Native Americans. The wolf was also the revered totem animal of Ancient Rome (see Romulus and Remus and Lupercalia). The gray wolf is also the focal point of Pan-Turkism and related mythology. In Proto-Indo-European society, the wolf was probably associated with the warrior class, and the term was subject to taboo deformation, the Latin lupus being an example of a mutated form of the original Proto-Indo-European*wlkwos. Many Germanic personal names used to and still include "wolf" as an element (e.g. Wulfstan, Wolfgang, Wolfhard)."
I pulled this from an article about the wolves and how they reguarded in folklore. Brave, honorable, intelligent, and a warrior are all things that describe Link so it fits well.
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