random pokemon games
by fingerdeth1 on Comments
random pokemon game um pokemon red is a pokemon game they made pokemon leaf green and pokemon fire red they are just coppies of pokemon red and blue and yellow pokemon emerlald its a remake of pokemon ruby and saphiry just like heat gold and soul sivler all they did was put soule and heat or what ever its called lol pokemon siver and gold Are one of the most olest pokemon games they are worth like 120$ now or something my friend gave me gold and siver they are the best but if you buy one of them get a game boy sp they will work with them games! try not to hack them or open them or you are really dumb get it in very good condishon so the valu gose up pokemon daimond the legendary of the game dialga which is really weak get pokemon perl the lendary of the game palkia way better then dialga pokemon platum legendary giratina farly good pokemon ranger shadows of alma lendary darkrai but u dont catch him.