locking for all legendary dogs i went on a web site and they said try route 11 so i did 30 max repels later still no legendary dog so the flow to cerulean citywent to bills house then went to the first bit of grass i see then a raikou comes on the screen go to route 25 it worked for me if you find one get a wobbefet from the cerulean cave becauses its a bility is shadow tag so the pokemon cart get out of the battel hop it works for you ps you need 60 pokemon to get the national pokedex first so dont do it unless you have the nationaldex
locking for all legendary dogs i went on a web site and they said try route 11 so i did 30 max repels later still no legendary dog so the flow to cerulean citywent to bills house then went to the first bit of grass i see then a raikou comes on the screen go to route 25 it worked for me if you find one get a wobbefet from the cerulean cave becauses its a bility is shadow tag so the pokemon cart get out of the battel hop it works for you ps you need 60 pokemon to get the national pokedex first so dont do it unless you have the nationaldex
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