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So... for those Mass Effect people...

Mass Effect

i've grown to wish i was a freakin spectre. the games have sapped me in so much, i love the story, that YOU can create. and the consequenses that you have to deal with. you really create your own universe, but the great thing is that all is the same for everyone: we'll eventually stop those damn Reapers.

I truly wonder what'll unfold in the 3rd game.... will the same characters that were in the 2nd game, appear? I do hope so. in fact, i wonder if it'll be a game soley on fighting off direct attacks from the Reapers. I have no clue.

and i has i ponder the ending of the second game... Harbinger never died.. i wonder what he is. possibly leader of Reapers? hm. i do wonder. because you do learn the the Collectors were the Protheans....corrupted that is... so maybe the leader was controlling them? maybe, maybe not. All i know is that i'm gonna pee my pants waiting for the third game.