Web Site Update
by firebirdboi06 on Comments
Just a quick update on my website (which I need a catch-name for, any suggestions?) It has now expanded to include nearly 230 pages and is closing in on 1000 hits on the home page. The site is divided as such: Welcome (Home) About Me Blog (in drastic need of upkeep) Music (featuring 113 pages, one album featured per page) Movies (featuring 75 pages, one movie/TV season per page) Games (featuring 35 pages, one game per page IN PROGRESS, currently featuring Wii and GCN games only) Photos Links So, as you can tell, the podcast I had The No-Name Podcast, has bit the dust. I just don't have the same drive to do it, nor was I getting much feedback, nor could I find a solid framework to form a base, much less any listeners. I also ran out of space on my iDisk and currently lack funds to increase the storage space. Instead, my site will offer my views on music, movies, and games without any marketing ploys. I've created my site using iWeb on the Mac and based the design of the site after Apple's own design philosophy of simplicity. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it (or maybe has an idea for resurrecting my podcast) don't hesitate in informing me.