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The Jakie Chan Legacy

Chinatown, China

1978, A.D.

When Jackie Chan was born, he was embowed with the power of Kung Fu. That's why he's so good at Kung Fu. When his mother pushed him out and the docter tried to grab him. Jackie Chan jumped right up and started beating up evryone in the room, including his mother. Then he jumped into the river where a bunch of fish were. He was never seen since...

Until one day when he performed in Rush Hour: the Movie. Now people knew he was back. The people were terrified, so they all went underground into the Japanese bunkers. But then, Jakie Chan came and whooped their butts. He was now the most wanted criminal in the world. Until all of a sudden, Jet Li, appeared, then the two fought for like a century. Blah blah blah. You know the story. Jet Li and Jackie Chan eventually, realize that their real enemy is Godzilla, so they beat him and then after they starred together in The Forbidden Kingdom they went and got married and had 12 kids Jackie Li, Jackie Li 2, Jackie Li 3, Jackie Li 4, etc.

Thats kinda a dumb ending for a stroy with a cool name, but...who cares really? Oh yeah, I have to end the stroy officially, so...

The End!!!