I'm going to agree with alphacrebel, i have rainbow six vegas 2 and i never notice textures that blurry. I guess photoshop really is your friend. I'd like to see xbox 360 and ps3 EXCLUSIVE games be compared, because that is the only thing really shows their true power.
If you want the gamer score for some kind of bragging rights then you're doing it for the wrong reasons, I do it for fun :P why i only have like 1,000 >.> It's NOT because I suck :P....................too badly. That and I have a job.
Before I read this I was all thinking (jokingly) I bet Crysis and STALKER won't be on here. What are the chances..........I seriously don't see why at least one of those games wereon here. Seriously, can anyone give a good reason???
dude, 2 8800's is just overkill, by the time you're able to play a game that'll actually use all that power there'll be another card out that'll be more powerful than your 2 cards :P
mr17x The high end cards are too expensive, the budget ones dont have enough pixel pipelines. I feel like Goldylocks looking for the one that is "just right". I hope they test the Radeon X850PRO. Cant wait !!! I have a x850 pro and it runs game pretty nicely :D
I don't see how he could consider Valve an "innovator" when all they did was introduce more complicated physics in their games. Even farcry had that and it came out before HL2 and Doom3. Also Doom3 or HL2 didn't even have that good of AI....................I do enjoy counter strike though.
firebreathing's comments