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Strike Update and Randomness

Day Eight of the Strike:

It is the eight of our strike to try and reverse the decision of the Board to g oco-ed. The strike has lost much of its support, possible because of the harrassment the upperclassmen have subjected much of the younger classmen to. Sadly I think many people have accepted the Board's decision and have now moved on. Classes are full or almost full again and the college seems to returned to its normal operation. Even though the campus is still papered with our cries of reversal, I seriously do not see that decision coming to pass. I see an end to an era of Randolph Macon Women's College and the emphasis on excellence in women's education. I know the college that opens its doors next September will be very different than the college I applied. Classes and emphasis on women will no longer be in the curriculum I fear and we are doomed to become yet another private school in Virginia.

In happier news, I have once again started writing my TV show which has been in the back of my mind since last year. Hopefully I will make more progress than my episode summaries and I will complete an episode! I gave it up when my file was lost, but thankfully there was a copy still on my drive at school. It wasn't the most recent but not all is lost. I will hopefully keep random updates for anyone who cares.

Have a great week!
