I just read something about the new Dukes of Hazzard movie thats being made. To be honest I had forgotten such a movie was being made - with good reason too! The first one was bad enough. The characters were all wrong (eg. Uncle Jesse as a dirty old man rather than the sweet, God fearing man he was in the original series), the cast was even more wrong and little things that happened just went so against the basic ideas of the series. Like the moonshine. Bo and Luke would never have touched moonishine incase they were caught with it because it was why they were on probation in the first place, yet in the movie they were transporting it in the General Lee! Im not gonna go into it any more because It really annoys me and I tend to rant. Alot.
Now I read about the second movie which is supposed to be a prequel. The cast has changed (apart from Willie Nelson still being Uncles Jesse. Unfortunately.) which is good because it is a prequel so the characters need to be younger and also Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville sucked out loud! I.M.O anyway. Its now Jonathan Bennett as Bo (which is a bit wierd since he was in an ep of Smallville with John Schneider the original Bo Duke) and *checks*...Randy Wayne as Luke. They could pass as teenage Bo and Luke I guess but if this movie is as moronic as the first one I may actually have to cause pain to the movie crew. Or not lol.
Its supposed to be a teenage Bo and Luke who go to Hazzard after some kind of run in with the law so they go to help Jesse on his farm. Nothing wrong with that you may say.... In the series is it made perfectly clear (possibly even stated) that Bo, Luke and Daisy go to Hazzard as toddlers after their parents are killed in a car accident. Oh look, another Dukes movie crapping up the original series ideas. Why even bother?! People hated the first movie, they even got angry about it. Even the original cast hated the movie. It won awards for worst things (rather than things like best movie, it was at least nomiated for things like worst movie). Note to movie execs or directors or whatever - just stop! Right now! You're just embarrasing yourselves!
Ok now that thats out of my system im gonna stop ranting. Sorry about that.