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Gilmore Girls: I love it but it bugs me

Just before I start, despite the little annoyances, I Love Gilmore Girls. Its funny and quick witted and the relationships are awesome. But hello, over-reaction, thy name is Lorelai. And Dean. And Jess. And Emily. And Richard. And Rory. Ok, point made I think.

The tinyest little things turn the characters into ranting crazy people.

Example one: In the season one ep "Star crossed lovers and other strangers" Dean tells Rory he loves her. She, taken by surprise, doesnt say it back. Dean freaks out and breaks up with her. I mean come on. He's her first boyfriend, its bound to take her by surprise. Break up? Over reaction much?

Example two: In season two, "Teach me tonight", Rory and Jess are out for a drive. Jess is driving Rory's car (not entirely sure why) and some form of small animal runs out infront of the car, Jess swerves to avoid hitting it and they crash. They're both totally fine apart from Rory's broken wrist. Sure a broken wrist is bad but its not awful. Lorelai freaks out spectacularly and wants to kill Jess, Christopher rushes to the hospital and wants to kill Jess, the whole town wants to kill Jess, Lorelai blames it all on Luke and they have a massive blow-out, Lorelai takes Rory home and insists she stays in her bed and fusses over her like she has some horrible disease and rants. Alot.... I understand the whole "it could have been so much worse" thing but she only broke her wrist!

Example three: In season three's "Let the games begin", Richard takes Rory, Lorelai and Emily on a tour of Yale. Turns out he's organised an interview for Rory without anyone knowing. Rory isnt happy about it because she was totally unprepared (despite the fact the interviewer loved her), Lorelai freaks out because her father is medling yet again, Emily freaks out because Richard did it all in secret and lied to her... Ok so he shouldn't have done it all in secret but he was trying to help. It was all done with good intentions (apart from the fact he would rather Rory went to Yale than Harvard).

As for the guys in Rory's life. Dean, while he is really really lovely and sweet and loves her to bits and all the rest of it, hes so jealous. He stops talking to her over silly things. Then again,because hes so nice, she does kinda treat him like crap sometimes, like a lap dog (but as we all know, Sam Winchester is a puppy so...). Jess on the other hand, has his moments when hes really lovely but most of the time hes huffy as hell and totally obnoxious. To everyone! Yes, hes not had the greatest life and has had some tough breaks but talk about biting the hand that feeds him. Jess honey, lighten up and realise when you've got a good thing going in Stars Hollow


Ok, rant over. And yeah, that was also just a really good excuse to use that picture :D