Im really missing my friends from high school and everything about the way things used to be. You know that feeling you get when youre homesick? I feel like that but im not homesick, I miss people. With all the work from uni and being at uni every day I dont have any spare time - literally. I get up in the morning, go to university for the day, come home and write up notes and do assignments, go to bed and then repeat it all the next day. Weekends are spent catching up on stuff I havent had time to do through the week. At high school I was always happy through the day because my friends kept me that way - they cheered me up, made me laugh, we had fun adn were there for each other and now with the way uni is making me feel I wish I could see them or chat to them. Not to sound stupid but they totally "got me" and knew what I was like and how I was obsessed with TV shows and I how had a tendancy to go on about things. The friends im at uni with don't. Ill see something that relates to a show or an episode of something, point it out and get an eye roll or be told i'm sad (infact the other day I was told to shut up. Ok so it was in a jokey way but still...). Before, people would have known what I was talking about and totally appreciated the reference. Sometimes I feel like I dont really fit with the uni friends. I just realised this entire blog sounds like theres issues between me and my uni friends or that we dont get on which isnt true. Theyre great and we have fun and laughter but we arent that close and we're quite different. I just really really miss my little group.
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