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Supernatural survey thing.

 I stole this from JessWH tee hee

When did you start watching Supernatural? From the pilot.

What made you want to watch it? I watched Smallville and heard that Jensen was getting his own show. The whole urban legend thing sounded cool too. Back when it started I didnt know who Jared was and id only seen jensen in Smallville so it wasnt even because of them.

Who is your favourite character? Sam and Dean obviously.

What is your favourite episode/s? Pilot, Bloody Mary, Scarecrow, Faith, Devils trap. Oh and Hell House! How could I forget that one.

What is your least favourite episode/s? Route 666 (season 2 hasnt started here yet *cries*)

Who was your least favourite character they ran into? That big darn truck in Devils Trap!! Ok, so its not a character. Not sure, I cant think of anyone at the moment.

What is your favourite quote? Theres waaay too many to choose from. "I hope your apple pie was freaking worth it!" "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" "Dude, you gotta update your cassette tape collection, why, well for one - theyre cassettes".... I could go on....

Evil Dean? or Evil Sam? Ooh, evil Sam :wink:

John or Sam? Sam

Demon or Meg? Meg

Huge freaky knife or shot gun? Shot gun!

What's the worst (scariest) thing they've run into? Bloody Mary freaked me out. I hear the clowns are bad but I havent seen it (dont tell me anything about it).

Metallicar or Truckzilla? Metallicar obviously! Although im not totally clear on what Truckzilla is. John's truck right? But still Metallicar wins by miles.