firefox59 / Member

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Two month Anniversary + New Banner!

Well I FINALLY got my new banner up. Omg what an ordeal. I already knew I had a couple glitches on my profile. One of them was even if I had no new messages it showed 2 new. Then it got to the point where it said I had 4 new even if I had none. Then there was another one apparently where I couldn't upload any new pics to my profile. I think I fixed the latter one and now it says I only have 2 new messages again :P, lol even though I have zero. But anyways I uploaded the new banner!

And guess what, it's my two months anniversary!

Here are my stats so far compared to the first month: Then vs. Now


Friends: 108

Level: 5 with 97%

Posts: 3550

TOS's: 10

Submission %: 60% (12/20)

Reviews: 8

Blogs: 28


Friends: 169 (+61)

Level: 8 with 25%

Posts: 5657 (2107)

TOS's: 11 (+1 90% decrease :P)

Submission %: 80% (44/55)

Reviews: 8 (lol, didn't do any)

Blogs: 44 (+16)

Profile Views: 9418 (I guess I forgot to do profile views last time :))

But what the stats don't show is the knew friends I have made and the continued company of my old friends. It's kinda cool when you wake up and see PM's from people. I feel special :P. But really thanks guys and keep commenting! :D

I can't get over how much I like my new custom banner ;). Thanks again Diamond-chan!