firefox59 / Member

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Wait!.....He said what?......Well you have to do something about that!

Well Christmas is officially over, then I guess it's New Years and then back to school.By then my internal sleep clock will be all messed up since it's 4:40 am here and I am writing a blog, lol. Anyways hope all of your holidays have been really cool and continue to be fun :D

I have a question for those of you lucky enough to have a Wii. To connect to the internet do you just need to buy that USB adapter thing at the store for $40 and plug it into the back? Knowing my history with technology that seems too simple to me so if someone could put my mind at ease please do ;). Thanks.

I got all of the 3 things that I wanted this Christmas (Wii, phone (old 1 broke), new computer (old 1 broke))plus some other little surprises that my mother always buys me such as: This book about wolves that comes with this cool CD, and a couple sports posters that are awesome. One portrays like the entire history of theNFL with the geneaology of each team and stuff like that. It's pretty damn cool :D.

I can't belive we have to wait 3 weeks for the next Shippuden. I hear the manga calling me but I will resist and just continue watching FMA. Kinda been slacking on that, haven't watched one in like 10 days..... So I hope I can get my Wii online soon and then get ur guys' Wii codes and then own you ppl on some games :lol:. I'm just messin, but I am pretty competitive ;).

Kinda long blog but nothing really special but New Years IS COMING so I will make a blog about that with my resolutions and tell you all about the resolutions that I made last year and never kept to, lmao. At least this year I made some cool friends at this site and things are going pretty good for me so I can't complain. Alright I'll end it there. Bye all. Be safe and have an awesome winter break!