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firelord_dude Blog

Been a real LONG time....

Wow, feels like ages since I last logged on... Man, have things changed. First off, this new layout... ehh, I miss the old one... its super complicated...

Took a walk down memory lane and went back to the Naruto threads... didn't recognize a single name... a few members, but not many... has everyone moved on???

Man, time sure does fly by... Wonder how many of my old friends still faithfully log on to here?? I don't really have any intentions of logging on as much as I used to, infact, this may be my last time.. who knows... whomever still remebers me, plz comment, I wanna catch up!!!


Phew... have I've been busy..

BONJOUR!! (Yup.. I'm taking french now.. against my will..)

Holy hell... been a while since my last bloggie... or even my last visit here. Yup, since school has started back (the second for me) I've been busy through the you know what.. Hope you guys never have advance placement ****s... well, atleast not with the teachers I've got... they call it 'advanced placement' for a reason.. phew...

But! Enough with the dispicable institution we are forced to painstakingly go to every freakin' day... how have you guys been? Any new newb attacks on the forum lately? Has anybody been banned or suspended? Anybody left? Just lookin for a quick fill in... although after I head on over to the forums...I'm sure I'll be informed of recent accurances... yeah..

Also! WTF?!! MR.EIGHT TAILS LOST?!! Nooo!! Deep down, in the deepest, darkests recessions of my mind... I knew Sasuke was gonna pull a hat out his ass and win the fight... but I just didn't wanna believe it... Damn, poor guy, just tryin' to defend himself... now he could possibly lose his 'gift', all cause Sasuke's on another guilt trip... for shame. Although it does spice things up a bit, to say the least. :P

Alright... that's all for now.. I guess... meh. Gonna go brood over KillerBee's defeat on the Naruto forums. Ja ne! :D

Mr. Eight-Tails RULEZ! (a firelord_dude rant)



Omfg! Mr.Eight-Tails kick major ass!! He's soo super awesome mega cool!! Totally!! Truly! Amazing!!

He was all like BOOM! and Sasuke was all like GAH! and Hebi/Taka were all like OH SH*T... Mr.Eight-Tails is the ultimate WARRIOR!! HELL YEAH! CHA! DATTEBAYO! BELIEVE IT!!

*passes out, foam erupts from mouth, ears, and ass* :lol:

eight tails

Just kidding... did you guys seriously think my whole blog would be all fanboyish..? Nah, not today. :P

But seriously though, Mr. Eight-Tails... gotta love the guy... he raps, dances, poses, and kicks major ass all in the span of 5 chapters... awesome. Hope he becomes a permanent character... He's not number one on my fav character list, but he's close... Naruto still holds that spot.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Chased by Kyuubi: My Weirdest Dream Yet!

Haha! Awesome, my blog title sounds yet again like another dub Naruto title, which, might I add is an appropiate title for today's blog. Yup, that's right, I, firelord_dude, was indeed chased by the nine-tails, in one of my weirdest dreams ever.

Guess I've been watching too much Naruto, huh... The dream was sooo weird though, and I can remember myself being truly afraid of him, I was walking through Naru's sewer mind, and bam! ran straight into Kyuubi... he chased me all the way through his cage, and somehow, I winded up hiding in my parents' room... wow... what a dream... :lol:

In other more interesting news, I hear China's been cheating the big O's... Yup, rumor has it they've been switching their contestants with kids... Disqualification, anyone? :P I think they should, bad Beijing, bad!! :evil: :lol:

Also, Big 'ol Bigfoot's been spotted... again... yup. I'm not one to be skeptical (and I am :P) but if you ask me, looks like some kid's oversized Halloween costomto me, but who knows, maybe it's real this time...

Yup, that's bout it this time folks... Now I can finish eating my chili cheese fries in peace. :P :D

Nah, it's not the end...

Okay, so I'm over a Narutofan or whatever, and I can't find anyone or anything! I mean, I can, but it's just.. I dunno.. guess I'll have to get use to it.. I found myself missing

Before u guys yell at me or refuse to talk to me or anything, this was NOT a pulbilcity stunt or aanything, I was actually considering leaving the site, plus, all the other vets were leaving too so... yeah... I still plan on snooping 'round the other site, but, in the meantime, I'll be on here sometimes too, pretty much just as much as I was on before all this 'vet' stuff came into play.

I can completely understand if any, or all of you are furious with me, so yeah...

Has any other vets returned yet, I've since Frozen, but that's about it...

So yeah, I don't really now what else to say... have anything to say to me for me to answer, leave it in the comments, and I'll try to answer them... other than that, see ya on the forums and blogs, I guess...

P.S. Yay, I'm at lv. 14 now... woot.

Could this be my final blog?

It could be...'s starting to suck now.... everyone's either being banned... or TOSed, or whatever, and there are new trolls almost everyday... back when I first joined, it was fun, now, the discussions are filled with fanboy-ism logic, and there's VS. threads or Who should get with Who threads everywhere! Sigh, has been tainted.

And the **** mods. They only accepted one of my NINE submissions!! All nine of them were good submissions, but they refused to accept all but one! Then, I get TOS's just for getting off topic or not covering up 'offensive' words.... yeah... not really all that mad about it, but it does get annoying sometimes...

Yeah, so PerfectAgent, Frozen, Eddy, and some more vets are backing up and heading on to a new site... Perfect's filling me in on some details now... I'm seriously considering leaving too... I'm barely on here anymore anyways.... So yeah... maybe I'll stay, maybe I won't.. only time will tell..

The leavin' begins tonight, Friday, August 8th, 2008, after the discussion of Chapter 412 of Naruto...

So, for the record, here are my stats:


DECEMBER 15, 2007-AUGUST 8, 2008

PROFILE VEIWS: 4117 (+17 new)

LV. 13 (99%)



Yup... that's all, folks...


I've been hit with the infamous TOS...

Obessive quoting? Not completely covering up 'offensive' words?

Yeah, I'm guilty... :P

Volreborn warned me to delete my posts, but I didn't listen... not that three are bad anyway, just thought I'd make another blog... meh...

My opinon on the 5th Shippuuden movie

Before reading, let me state two things:

1. I, firelord_dude, will take full accountability of my actions and admit I was wrong, IF this movie actually turns out to be good, 'cause right now, meh... I dunno... not really impressive.. Keep in mind people, this is my opinion before seeing the movie, so I'm gathering info from trailers, websites, etc.

2. This is kinda like a spoiler, isn't it? Not familar with the Shippuuden time-line, or don't want to be spoiled, don't read on... not really MEGA spoilers, but it could be considered to some spoiler material..

Okay, so the plot, or, as much as you can gather of the plot from watching trailers, it looks like it sucks... Come'on, flyin' ninjas? I don't see what the big "OMFG!! FLYING NINJA ARE ATTACKING!! LET'S RUN TO SASUKE AND BEG THAT HE HELPS US!!"

It makes Konoha look like none of it's ninja can do aerial combat, which is a bold-face lie, they may not be able to fly, but they can attack from the air as well... what will retrieving Sasuke help to accomplish other than making Sasuke-obbessed fans crowd the theathers in Japan just to see him..

Yup, I'm almost certain Studio Peirott, or however you spell their name, is banking on this movie's success being purely fueled by that of fans wanting to see Pre-time-skip Sasuke in a movie..

I will admit, at first, the movie looked good even to me, but after veiwing the trailer, my opinion has been swayed.. Just writing anything and decieving fans to pay to see it just so they can see their fav. character just seems unfair. But, I can't blame just them, right? People, from all races, countries, etc. have been doing this for centuries... It's all about advertising, baby...

I tell ya, slap on a face like Sasuke, and even a third-rate movie with a terrible plot can be EPIC.... -_-

Goodbye, Avatar Aang...

Even though most, if not all, of my time here on this site is on the NARUTO forums, I'm still a major fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, just look back at my first blog post..Sadly, tonight, the series ended... :(

Don't get me wrong, I loved the ending, and glad Nick finally decided to gie the show some well deserved air-time, but it feels weird that it's over... Wow... The adventures of Aang and friends comes to a close.. What a great story it was, and I enjoyed waiting 'till every Friday Night to see more mishaps of Aang and friends, since the show first appeared back in Feb '07..

If you haven't watched the series, then you've missed out... if interested, give the series a chance, I can almost garantee you'll love it...

A random mini-rant, yes, but I thought I'd do this while I contemplat the series more... in honor of the show's end.

Goodbye, Avatar... :P


P.S. Yup, I think I'll change my Avatar/Icon to that of Prince... err, I mean Firelord Zuko now.. he was my original and first icon on this site... yup.

Shippu! Konoha Gakuen Den!!


Well scanning through the Forums, I ran across a topic entitled "Naruto Shippuuden OVA". This, of coursed, peaked my interest as I had no idea Shippuuden had released an OVA. While reading the topic, I found out it was based off the second Naruto Shippuuden ending, ya know, the one where they're in High School and all.. So, rushing over to youtube I searched for it and watched it...

...And I don't regret it! LMAO moments, and great artwork. I found it more interesting than the Shippuuden anime, sadley... yeah... So, if you haven't seen it, go on and watch it using the link below... Enjoy!