Before reading, let me state two things:
1. I, firelord_dude, will take full accountability of my actions and admit I was wrong, IF this movie actually turns out to be good, 'cause right now, meh... I dunno... not really impressive.. Keep in mind people, this is my opinion before seeing the movie, so I'm gathering info from trailers, websites, etc.
2. This is kinda like a spoiler, isn't it? Not familar with the Shippuuden time-line, or don't want to be spoiled, don't read on... not really MEGA spoilers, but it could be considered to some spoiler material..
Okay, so the plot, or, as much as you can gather of the plot from watching trailers, it looks like it sucks... Come'on, flyin' ninjas? I don't see what the big "OMFG!! FLYING NINJA ARE ATTACKING!! LET'S RUN TO SASUKE AND BEG THAT HE HELPS US!!"
It makes Konoha look like none of it's ninja can do aerial combat, which is a bold-face lie, they may not be able to fly, but they can attack from the air as well... what will retrieving Sasuke help to accomplish other than making Sasuke-obbessed fans crowd the theathers in Japan just to see him..
Yup, I'm almost certain Studio Peirott, or however you spell their name, is banking on this movie's success being purely fueled by that of fans wanting to see Pre-time-skip Sasuke in a movie..
I will admit, at first, the movie looked good even to me, but after veiwing the trailer, my opinion has been swayed.. Just writing anything and decieving fans to pay to see it just so they can see their fav. character just seems unfair. But, I can't blame just them, right? People, from all races, countries, etc. have been doing this for centuries... It's all about advertising, baby...
I tell ya, slap on a face like Sasuke, and even a third-rate movie with a terrible plot can be EPIC.... -_-
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