OK, yesterday I had my last exam and it was pretty easy I guess (at least I passed) and my friend wanted me to go over to his house. He wanted about 3 other people to go too and they all went. We watched retarded YouTube videos for a while then decided to get drunk. We were thinking of playing poker and whoever had the lowest hand had to take a shot of rye. Then someone says: "**** Rye, it tastes like wood. Let's go for the Vodka instead". When we look in the cupboard, the Vodka is all gone! :shock: :lol: We just drank a bottle of some cherry crap that tasted like...bad ****, trust me. It was about 50% alchahol andit didn't effect any of us. Then, we went into some chat room and pretended to be a girl, (the username was lilhornygirl, I know that's a little dumb butthat's the username my friend made up :P)the guys in the chatwere going crazy. Then I told one of them to call my cell and I gave it to them and oneactually phoned! I pick up and say:"Hello?...This is lilhornygirl" and all my friends started laughing because I didn't attempt to do a girls voice, I just had my original one and the guy hung up. Man, was he pissed off, cursing on the website at us, threatening us, then I said "Phone back you lame mother****er" and then he just left the room. Wow that was too funny. :lol: My friends and I are going to tape-record another one today and put it on YouTube and you guys can see it there. Lastly, we all decided to make a movie. It was about Rainbow Six verses Counter Strike. You know what we used? We used nerf guns and made up weird code names. I'll post that one on YouTube even though I probably look extremely retarded (everyone wanted it to look like a video game). Well that was my awesome day, I'll be making a zombie movie today and I'll post that one too, anyways, later.
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