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firestorm91 Blog

Resident Evil 5!

The new trailer looks so awesome, this is now my most anticipated game. It has the RE4 style which is a big AWESOME for me! :D I hope this game comes out soon.

Pretty messed up week

Well, on Monday I went downstairs into my dad's workshop with the pellet gun and I was shooting up blank discs. I took the gun back upstairs, okay, so no one noticed yet. The next day, my friend Alex comes over and my friend Zac and I threw a bunch of eggs at him and got it on camera. :wink: I will definately be posting that video whenever I get it back. Anyways, we went over to Zac's place and had a milk chugging contest. I got that on tape too but it's not appropriate for GS, I'll see if I can get it on YouTube. Well, let's just say my parents got extremely angry with me because I didn't throw the chicken in the oven like they've been asking me to do and I didn't clean up the eggs. So I got in **** for that. Then my dad goes downstairs to find all these shards of plastic around his workshop and I got in **** for that. For my punishment, I had to clean out that hell hole the next day and it took me 6 ****ing hours but I was still laughing at what happened on Tuesday. So then today, I'm mowing my neighbors lawn with my own lawn mower then the engine dies. So I'm thinking it ran out of gas so I filled it up and then I can't pull the damn start-up string anymore. So I'm thinking I'd better phone my dad. I did that and he's flaring up and getting mad and he is still yet to come home and find out what I have done. :? Then, I picked up my report card today with low-ish grades. I didn't fail anything but I think this is a pretty crappy start to the summer. :|

What a day...(funny but long-ish)

OK, yesterday I had my last exam and it was pretty easy I guess (at least I passed) and my friend wanted me to go over to his house. He wanted about 3 other people to go too and they all went. We watched retarded YouTube videos for a while then decided to get drunk. We were thinking of playing poker and whoever had the lowest hand had to take a shot of rye. Then someone says: "**** Rye, it tastes like wood. Let's go for the Vodka instead". When we look in the cupboard, the Vodka is all gone! :shock: :lol: We just drank a bottle of some cherry crap that tasted like...bad ****, trust me. It was about 50% alchahol andit didn't effect any of us. Then, we went into some chat room and pretended to be a girl, (the username was lilhornygirl, I know that's a little dumb butthat's the username my friend made up :P)the guys in the chatwere going crazy. Then I told one of them to call my cell and I gave it to them and oneactually phoned! I pick up and say:"Hello?...This is lilhornygirl" and all my friends started laughing because I didn't attempt to do a girls voice, I just had my original one and the guy hung up. Man, was he pissed off, cursing on the website at us, threatening us, then I said "Phone back you lame mother****er" and then he just left the room. Wow that was too funny. :lol: My friends and I are going to tape-record another one today and put it on YouTube and you guys can see it there. Lastly, we all decided to make a movie. It was about Rainbow Six verses Counter Strike. You know what we used? We used nerf guns and made up weird code names. I'll post that one on YouTube even though I probably look extremely retarded (everyone wanted it to look like a video game). Well that was my awesome day, I'll be making a zombie movie today and I'll post that one too, anyways, later.

Going to be a bit busy from now on for a little while...

Well, I have school work to do which by the way, I'm sucking at right now. Like really bad. So yeah, I need to start studying and getting pages of notes from people because there's no way in hell I'm going to fail English. I think I'm passing with a 51% right now. All my other subjects are above 60% except for math which took a huge hell-drop because I bombed a huge test. So yeah, I won't  be on much till the middle or end of June. If you want a sig of some sort, just put it down and I'll do my best. I actually have an exam tomorrow, anyways, wish me luck! I made a new sig too, here it is. :D Anyways, rock on fellow friends.
My sig

New banner and the weekend!

Well, I quickly made a banner, I know it's a little sloppy, I'll make another sometime though. I'm happy it's the weekend also, I'm thinking of getting the game F.E.A.R. for PC. Is that a good game? Well, IDK, but I'm downloading the demo right now. Anyways, that's my two-cents worth, hope you have a good weekend.

Thanks to a glitch, I got a ****ing moderation...

I'm not too happy about this because apparently I was blank-quoting when I responded to a quote. What do you know? The next page it says that I didn't write jack **** when I did. I'm lucky this wasn't serious but that pisses me off, the sites bugs and glitches got me a moderation, that's just ****ed up...

99 more days of this ****! (this suks)

Well, after a "little" incident that occured at my school last week, it has become into an all out 100 day war with only 99 days left. Zac (my friend) decided to climb into a locker one day and while Alex (System821) held the locker shut, I (Eddie) grabbed a lock and locked him in there. As soon as I let him out and when I least expected it, he hit my crotch as hard as he could and chased down Alex and got him as well. Now we are all allies and have started up a war against other fellow friend-ish people. Here are the key players in the war and here are the rules. I never asked to be in this so I decided I would share it. :P But damn, I'm stuck in this friggin' war for 99 more days and it's going to suck. I'll gladly part in but this was unexpected, spread the hatred throughout the world, make your own testicular combat game! If you're in Winnipeg, join in!

PS: I spelt "sucks" wrong in the title because GS wouldn't stop censoring it.


Well, guys. I've been at GameSpot for one year now. I took a break for about 4 months but yeah, haha! Just thought I would make a blog about this. Rock on!

HOLY ****! (caps)

It's about 10:30pm right now and all is see is my sister walk in the door. :D I am happy to see her but WOW that was a ****in' surprise.
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