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I'm home finally

That felt like a long week. When I was in Fargo with my friend Kevin, we had seen the West Acres mall. They had about 2 stores that i liked in there. When i went into one store, there was heavy metal playing, and there were 2 girls working in there, and kevin thought that was a little weird. One of them started talking to me, and showed me a lot of chimaira things, i don't know how she knew i liked chimaira. Kevin wandered off in the store somewhere, so the same girl was talking to me for a half-hour. At the end of it all, the girl hugged me, and i was a bit shocked, but i hugged her too. I had got some slipknot things, chimaira things, and metal emblems. That was the biggest thing that happened on my trip, sorry if i was gone too long. :D