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that was pretty awesome

The Sounds of the underground tour, well i seen them today. First off, i would like to say holy **** because i can't hear anything that much right now. It took a long time to get into the building, and then we were all searched. Then we all went to the place where allĀ  the bands were playing. It was in a mosh pit too, there were about 2000 people there. So "Through the eyes of the dead" opened, and they were pretty awesome, the singer was swearing at us, and telling us to go crazy. "The Chariot" played next, they were very good, but i never listened to them before. So the vocalist was spitting at the crowd occasionally, untill a few guys spat back at him, so the vocalist gave them the finger. I think that it was "Behemoth" that played after them, and they really kicked ass. Everyone was going crazy, and people started crowd surfing, but bodyguards took them away from the crowd, and let them go. Next that came on stage was "the black dahlia murder" They were okay, but they were a little pissed that they had to come to winnipeg i think. "terror" came on stage, and the vocalist was encouraging people to crawl on each other's head, also known as crowd surfing. I think that a few kids got kicked out for beating up the bodyguards. So terror was pretty good. But then......Gwar came on stage, it took like 45 minuts to set up the stage. They played about 4 songs, and the ****ing idiots up there were dressed up in costumes, having little fights, and squirting **** at everyone the pit and it looked like real blood. I got soaked with red and green liquid, and then, the guy who was on the turret, sprayed me on purpose for 10 seconds. Oh, and then a T-Rex came on stage, it picked up some guy, and there was fake blood going on him. It looked like he was being eaten though. They played my favourite song which is "bring back the bomb" and it was pretty cool to see them, as very special guests. So then "cannibal corpse" came on stage, the vocalist is very good for live death metal. So finally "trivium" comes on. Whenever one of the band members walked over the my part of the stage, everyone would put their fists up and put them into devil horns. They sound awesome. In flames was awesome live, they played all my favourite songs, and as i lay dying was awesome. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, so i hope i'm fine.