As someone who doesn't play, I have to say that Overwatch is by far the most mind numbing, boring and ugly game I'd never, ever want to watch someone play. I don't play CS or MOBAs but enjoy watching them. Overwatch... never.
Civs have always been an insta-purchase for me no matter what. After the horror show of BE I won't be jumping into this one for a good long while. Maybe after a patch and a DLC or two. Having said that, the changes do sound like interesting, positive additions to the game. Getting out of the identical game rut would be very nice. I hope this all works out well in practice. To me this IP has been losing its luster, hopefully it can be regained. Here is hoping for a mildly competent AI too.
Welcome to indie dev. You work your butt off, every second of your free time is taken and nothing comes of it. Over and over and over. Happened to me many times. I'm sorry for your child, but you got oodles of free press and barrels of ink that many indies would never dream of getting. You might not have gotten revenue, but you're known now. Magazines will actually reply to you about your next game instead of endless streams of being totally ignored. That my friend, is nine tenths of the battle. May your next game make you good money, sorry about your child.
They make it sound like there wasn't a boost to level 25 already available. The spark of light has existed since at least the Taken King released. I know because I used one which came free with the purchase of the Taken King edition of Destiny. I guess the $40 price tag is new, but what's the difference between that and simply buying a new copy of the game to get a spark of light? At least that way you have a game to gift someone.
@ughz: It's definitely better if your non-douchebag self doesn't watch the videos. Your world would probably crumble. Anyway, you sound much smarter arguing from a position of total ignorance.
Also, having said that, I truly hope this game delivers everything you want it to deliver. I hope this game fulfills everything you want it to. I'm not here to dance on your grave or gloat or anything. I simply had an opinion to voice. That's all there is to it. Insecure people can't handle other people's opinions so I totally understand your anger towards me.
@ughz: Thanks for your reply and your intelligent response little guy. After careful consideration of your intelligent counter points I've decided that I was wrong. The level design is perfect, the graphics are top notch, and the gameplay is cutting edge. The building in which the player is walking around in video 3 and 4 is one of the most amazing looking structures I've ever seen in a video game.
Thanks again for exposing me to your keen intellect. A child's mind is a fascinating place.
Wow, the four videos I saw were absolutely painful to watch. Laugh out loud graphics (and I've never cared about graphics before), some of the clunkiest looking game play I've seen since the early 2000s, terrible shooter mechanics (I expected this but had higher hopes), atrocious level design with bland and intensely boring environments. Look at the awful building interior in videos 3 and 4, WOW, what year is this anyway?
These videos saved me a few bucks, thanks for sharing them.
I can't imagine how embarrassing it must be to see your game mocked and ridiculed in every nook and cranny of the internet and then have to announce season DLC passes for it. This game looks and feels like a free to play game. The base game should be free it's so bad, at which point $20 DLCs might make a shred of sense to people who can't see beyond the Star Wars skins and sounds.
Which is more abysmal? The HUD or the gameplay? To me it's a draw. Both are absolutely awful. There were better shooter mechanics in the '90's. Pretty graphics and NOTHING more. Absolutely mindnumbing gameplay. It's amazing a company could screw up Star Wars so thoroughly. Impressive job. I wouldn't touch this if it were free.
fishlore's comments