Married Pairs:
Chrom and Sumia
My Avatar and Lon'qu
Vaike and Lissa
Sully and Gregor
Working on:
Libra and Maribelle
and Gaius and Penne
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Married Pairs:
Chrom and Sumia
My Avatar and Lon'qu
Vaike and Lissa
Sully and Gregor
Working on:
Libra and Maribelle
and Gaius and Penne
I have to say I got very excited when I saw this thread. With the help of my puzzle savvy sister I barely survived the first one but I found myself looking up a lot of answers for the others as well because yes the stories are so intriguing. Glad I am not alone:lol:
I would have to say be careful of this review. I think just because the other games were so unique and out there people aka reviewers were expecting something totally new and different and I see nothing wrong with more of the same when like another post mentioned you cannot go wrong with more of the same. Look at reviews for pokemon or zelda. They always get high reviews and how much change was made between zelda phantom hourglass and spirit tracks and the reviews were still positive even though many people meaning the public this time were frustrated with the same controls. A lot of people like pokemon and even though the story is essentially always the same just different pokemon to catch it gets great reviews. I think people just need take it with a grain of salt and you need to know what kind of games you like. A lot of my favorite ds games this year have been on the lower end of the review side so I am definitely still picking this one up.
Why would you be embarrassed? I play mine when I go out shopping with my family and get bored hanging out in the dressing room. i am 24 and a girl. I think the only one who was embarrassed was my little sister:)
I agree with Puzzle Quest being a great choice. I have heard many people say that it is as addicting to WoW and my sister who rarely plays video games, WoW being one of them, really enjoyed the game. There are some frustrating areas where it appears the AI might be cheating but fun overall.
You get to train mounts, learn spells from other creatures you capture, take down fortresses and more-it is at least worth an investment as it should be cheaper now:)
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