fiveboy's forum posts
Sorry, have to agree with the original poster. I'm almost finished with the game, and I find it completely tedious. I am a longtime fan of RPGs, so I'm tired of seeing people on these forums say, 'maybe it's just not your type of game'. It's just not as simple as that (KOTOR is one of my favorite games of all time). The game mechanics are awful, the Mako is about the worst game vehicle ever, it seems like I've spent more time in elevators than in combat or conversation, and while the story is alright, I wish it wasn't so completely humorless. Most of my favorite science fiction shows/movies have a tongue in cheek sense of humor that I've always loved, but ME takes itself completely and utterly seriously. I'm going to finish it, since I've invested so much time in it already, but it feels like an onus rather than a privilege.
-Just my .02
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