I personally say no. Though I do not appreciate how long it has been and still to getting PSN up and running, but in the long run its worth it. Sony provides everyone with the free service of using PSN and all other online exclusive content available through the PS3. All with no additional charge. Sony is not the enemy, the enemies are the ones who have caused this problem and the one who caused this also say they are doing this for us the consumers and users. But if you want my two sense about it, I say if they want to help us so much why don't they just fill a bowl with doritos for us or something of the sort. Anyone who thinks Sony should give its users free stuff for this incedent, please reconsider. Remember who caused this and turn focus to them. Sony has been our Friend. We shouldn't be upset with them, they helped us, so dont turn your back on them. I am not an employe of Sony or some share holder, but an individual user and an owner of both a PSP and PS3. I think were fortunate Sony is trying to fix PSN afterall, its a free service and they have no real commitment to free users so I say lets be happy with what we have got and not complain.
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