I wanted to see what you guys would think about the title. :lol: Jay told me that Michaela confirmed that she will buy a router soon. GOOD FOR JAY! In the past I've been unable to upload pics on my blog and embed due to Google Chrome not copying and pasting right, and Internet Explorer never reading the links right. So I downloaded Firefox 3 and I love it! Firefox kicks ass! I also got Call of Duty 4 in the mail. Definitely allot better then Call of Duty 5. I'm selling some of my old PS2 games soon and buying Resident Evil 5 and the full version of Killzone 2. I also am thinking about buying inFamous. Red Faction also looks really good.
You know those funny LOLcats pic all over the web? Well I found 2 pics I want to show you guys. Here's pic #1:
And here's pic #2 which actually mocks LOLcats using Killzone 2: