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On the Xbox VS PS3 issue...

Allot of people thought I was switching over to Xbox when I got my 360. Hate to break it to my friends who are 360 fanboys, but I still think PS3 is better.

I use my Xbox daily but usually only for about 30-60 minutes. I use my PS3 for hours. The main things I like about the Xbox are party chat (Although i prefer text chat on the PS3) and Facebook, but other then that I just don't like Xbox that much. Don't get me wrong, it's a great console but (in my opinion) PS3 still wins.

I have a couple things I don't like. First off we can't put music on the hard drive from a USB flash drive. What. The Hell. That's BS.

Also, the lack of text chat means if you don't use your mic or it breaks your screwed communcation wise. Being someone with a keyboard I prefer text over voice, party chat can be convient though.

There are several other things I don't like such as the D-pad, anagalo sticks, disk tray and so on, but I won't get into them right now.

Also guys if your wondering why I haven't been on in a while it's because barely anyone reads my blogs so I see no point in really blogging. I find Facebook to be a better alternate for keeping people up to date with my life.

If you wanna add me on Xbox my gamertag is Flameducky
