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PS what?-The difference between a PS2 and a PS3

The Ps3 and Ps3 are both amazing machines. But what makes them different other than their looks? I looked up this debate on yahoo answers and got a decent answers.

Their are many things different about the PS3 then just the graphics. The first major difference is the PS3 has a built in blue ray player, so you can play blue ray movies in High Def TV. The blue Ray play is why the PS3 is $600 and not $300 like the PS2 what when it first came out. A stand alone Blue Ray player is around $800-$1000. The PS3 also comes with a build in harddrive, so that you can save games on it without the need of memmory cards. Their are two versions out, the 20 gig harddrive and the 60 gig harddrive. The PS3 also allows you to save PS1 and PS2 games on it without the need of a memmory card. The PS3 is comming out with an adapter to transfer games that you already have saved on your PS1 and PS2 memmory cards to the harddrive, so you won't have to start your games all over again. The PS3 has much faster load times then the PS3. The PS3 will also be able to support CR-ROM, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R formats. The PS3 also has additional slots for usb flash drive, SD slot, and a compact flash memory slot. The PS3 will be able to support 7 blue tooth controllers right out of the box. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2GHz, giving the whole system 2 teraflops of overall performance. It will sport 256MB XDR main RAM at 3.2GHz, and it will have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700MHz. The PlayStation 3 will also sport some hefty multimedia features, such as video chat, Internet access, digital photo viewing, and digital audio and video. The PS3 will be connected to the internet all times, even when its not on, just like the wii. You will also be able to download firm updates and downloads for games that you play online. I hope this answers all your questions about what the PS3 will do and what its capable of.

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