Thanks again. To be honest I played Demons Souls for about 20 hours-ish and I did enjoy the game. I was just saying my problems with it.
flare_fire's forum posts
Thanks. I have that actually. I tried playing it again and the design choices they made in the game are just way too frustrating. I really enjoy the realistic dungeon-crawler experience, but they made the game too difficult and too punishing. I understand the purpose is to create a challenge, but the game is just way too much work to be any fun for me anymore. The main problem is how easy you die and how easily you lose all your souls. In the very early stages of the game this game is wayyyy too **** hard and frustrating. I tried to sit down and create a new character and kept dying as i got deep into the first level, and just turned that **** off because of how annoying it is. Once your character becomes pretty strong, then the game becomes really fun. Like there's a good challenge at that point. But getting there again is really tedious. Just my thoughts on the game.
Hey guys. Ive been craving a good JRPG lately, or any RPG in general. I have Tales of Vesperia, Resonance of Fate, Valkyrie Chronicles, Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2. I've been looking around but I cant find any good ones on the PS3. Can anyone recommend me a good RPG?
i just bought this game for $30. I've had it for a week, and I've been really busy. I was so reluctant to play it because of what people were saying, that I didn't even open it yet. I finally realized I was probably not going to like it, but by that time I lost the receipt. Damn.
I'd like to say that the reason this game is so enjoyable is the atmosphere and experience. While there is not much to the story or the characters at ALL, this game is VERY engaging and can be enjoyable if you're into this type of dungeon-crawler. I think the main hook for this game is the feel of it. The level of difficulty is pretty damn hard, but very rewarding, and makes the game feel more realistic. There are parts of the game where I was being attacked by a group of enemies, and I really felt the danger. The setting, while dark and a bit repetitive, also adds a lot to the experience. And lastly, the boss fights are all very unique and captivating. Many require unique strategies and a lot of hard work.
The reason this game is hard is pretty much because you cannot die at all in a level or you lose all your souls. Souls are a universal currency: they can be used to purchase everything in the game, including items and gear. They are also your EXP, and you must pay with them to make your character stronger. So whenever you beat a level, you are pressured to use your souls before you have the chance to lose them.
However, there are a lot of things that compensate for the difficulty. When you die, you only lose your souls, and keep your items. In a lot of levels, there are items that hold souls. This means you cannot lose them. There are also ways to farm souls in a few levels so you don't have to worry about dying.
Also, as you are progressing through a level, most of the time, if you get far enough, a path to the boss is unlocked, that is accessible from the very early parts of the level. This means that if you happen to die, you have a relatively easy path to the boss from the beginning, without going through the entire level. These short-cuts that you unlock are not in every level, but are very well-placed.
You can also play the game as "alive," or "dead." The only difference from being "alive" and "dead" is that when you are dead, you just have slightly less than maximum health. Worse, if you die while you are "alive," your world tendency goes down. . To raise your world tendency (kind of like being good or evil), you must kill a boss. There are certain areas of the game that unlock only when you have high world tendency. Since you die a lot, the task of achieving high world tendency can seem very difficult.
As for the world tendency thing, there is one simple solution. You must kill yourself at the beginning of the game, and play as "dead" for pretty much the entire game. If you die while "dead" there are no penalties to world tendency. This way, you eliminate the problem of reviving yourself constantly, and about losing world tendency, and not being able to access certain parts of the game.
Thanks guys. I beat Tales of Vesperia twice. As far as Lost Odyssey, I played it for awhile but I just didn't feel like reading those dreams, which I heard was most of the experience. And the combat in that game just takes forever after awhile. And that was also a good suggestion on the ps1 rpgs, as I'm currently playing tales of eternia and replaying ff7. It's too bad we can't have another ps1 era, but I guess there is still some potential
thanks man. I think I might pick up ff13 today, and valkyrie chronicles if I can find it at a decent price
Guys, I like JRPGs, but only if theyre decent. I feel there's been a large amount of bad ones made this generation. I'd like to check out some new ones, preferably on a new gen console or the psp. The only ones that look promising to me right now are resonance of fate and maybe ff13, though ive heard a lot of mixed things about it.
do NOT get tales of the world radiant mythology. It is definitely not worth the buy.
FF Tactics and FF Crisis Core are both good games. Vice City Stories and Liberty City Stories are also really good. It really depends on what kind of games you like. I just got the new Star Ocean and I've heard good things about it.
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