@Scynt I'm guessing it might be like a service you pay weekly or monthly for kinda like Playstation Plus or maybe even a part of Playstation Plus on the PS4 which would be really cool!
@dr_jashugan actually its just been found that since they bought gaikai they will be able to stream PS3 games live online on the PS4! So most likely they will be able to stream PS2 and PS1 games also!
@ChimeraEffect @dr_jashugan Its just been found that because they bought gakai they will so far as know now be able to stream PS3 games on the PS4 so most likely same with PS2 and PS1! All streamed live online!
@the_requiem YES!! haha i miss Timesplitters soooo much! i have 1 and 2 for PS2 and 3 for Gamecube on my Wii haha:P i still want them to make a new one! TIMESPLITTERS FOREVER!!
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