Well this is my first blog of 09 and so our country will go through some major changes hopefully mostly good. I say mostly because with any change there will be problems. But, at least I am still employed my family is provided for and I have games to play. So let's say goodbye to 08, and I wish each and every one of you a happy, health and prosperous NEW YEAR!!!!!
flashtek Blog
Racism, Games and You
by flashtek on Comments
Recently I have read stories about Resident Evil 5 being racist. These people claim that the game, which takes place in Africa, shows a white killing black people. Also these groups state that the game shows the African culture in a "bad light." Here is the link to the articles LINK. Once again I find myself upset with these types of organizations who apparently can not tell make believe to real life. Since when has the video game industry become the moral and ethical teacher of the world? Why is the weight heaped on good companies like CAPCOM? If these groups or individuals have a problem with these types of games, then don't play them don't buy them for friends and relatives. Distance yourself away from them. It is that easy, no fuss no mess.
The exact complaints by these individuals are that the black residents of the African village looked like they were zombies before becoming infected. Well I am no expert on African relations but I have seen first hand a glimpse of their lives in Somalia, and every time you see an African village on TV. These don't look like happy upbeat people. Years of war, genocide and poverty do much more damage to their lives than a game. The other complaint was that the hero was a "white man." Ask anyone who has played the R.E. series and they will tell you that Chris Redfield is a key element in the story line. So it's no wonder that he is the hero in this installment. Furthermore, why is it all "white" to have Caucasians as flesh eating mutated zombies, isn't that racist too? I think it's only fair to spread out the flesh eating zombie personas a bit. Heck next time make them Asian, or Latino etc... . Sure I understand the trailer is creepy and a little disturbing but that is what sells HORROR GENRE GAMES.
Memorial Day
by flashtek on Comments
Remember to at least think of the men and women that are and have served our nation. Today is about them and not BBQ's.
MySpace BS
by flashtek on Comments
Well it has been a while since I have posted a good and lengthy blog. So hear we go MySpace what can I say about this website community. It truly was a great idea but now it's a breeding ground for degenerates and perverts. Present company excluded *hint*. Now I have been on MySpace for a couple of months and it's a cool way to meet new people. But lately I have been bombarded with friends request from everything like TRU dating service to religious groups. Sure they try to disguise their true identity and leave there page virtually blank, but come on enough already. These idiots actually believe someone is going to subscribe to their service just because a good looking female sends you a friend request. Wow, the utter stupidity of it. See I always check the person profile out before I accept the request. That way if someone actual spent more than 2 minutes setting up the page they might actually fool someone. Which brings me to my main concern, I can deal with BS friend requests but I am truly afraid of what is stalking are youth on the net. So if there are any kids out there that actually read these things be safe, talk to your parents they cant be that bad. Remember there are predators out there that only want one thing from you and they can and will hurt you to get it. Most importantly have fun.
This is a Parents "Manifesto"
by flashtek on Comments
The Conscience of a Parent
By: Flashtek
Once again, video games have come under fire by law enforcement, religious groups and the government. Why I ask you, why? Why should video games dictate social standards? Why should video games take the blame of bad parenting? Yes, I said it, bad parenting. The last time I looked, it was not a video game in that delivery room giving birth to my sons and video games certainly was not in the one in the bedroom conceiving them either. Therefore, I ask again, why video games are being blamed.
It is a simple question, what right does our government or any groups of people have to blame video games for the rotten way parents have raised their children. It is no ones fault but Mr. and Mrs. American who bought their 13-year-old son an M rated game, and then ignores their child while he plays the game. Let me ask you parents something do you know what that big black “M” means on the box? Well let me enlighten you its stands for MATURE. Clear, do we all understand the rating system? Here is another question for you parents do you review the game before you buy it for little Johnny? Did you ask the sales consultant if this game is appropriate for your child’s age? Must of the time you lazy, muckraking slackers never even look at the box you buy for you kid. You ignore them, you let the entertainment industry raise them, and then you attack them.
For decade’s religious groups to parent organizations have been bombarding the public with slanderous remarks about everything from music, television, movies, the internet and games. It is time to stop. Take some responsibility for your own actions and the actions of your children. I have taken the time to teach my children right from wrong why haven't you? The world is changing and information is coming at light speed from all corners of the globe. If we as parents do not protect our children then who will? We cannot expect anyone else to take on that responsibility.
For the sake of your children and the sake of an entire generation, start teaching your children, befriend them, spend time with them and that will make all the difference in the world. I am a parent gamer, and this is my manifesto. You may stop me, but you cannot stop us all... after all, we gamers are all alike.
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