by flavort on Comments
I have been thinking about all of this stuff lately. With positives and negatives, to be balanced you need both. If you put out more negative energy, like toward people, you are going to have to replace that. So the more negativity you put out the more you get back. If somebody is negative toward you, it is not your energy that needs to be replaced so you can either have it affect you negatively or positively. If you let it affect you in a negative way, you will put out negative energy and then it will have to be replaced. Same with the positive. An example would be if somebody tells you the way you act is stupid. You mayrealize that person has the problem not you and he wants to make it yours. You can either get mad and yell at him or think to yourself maybe there is something I can do to better myself,or understand he is really negative, wow I am glad I am not that way. If you take it in a positive way and say "wow I am glad I am not that angry, I wonder if I can better myself in some way", you are going to put out positive energy and it will return back to you. Also that positive energy will affect others and can help them in a positive way because you are leading him by example. If you are negative you are just going to hurt yourself by giving out negative energy and will get it back in return. At the same time youmay affect others around you by being negative. Can you imagine how you can let something affect you and poison you completely. If somebody tells you somebody else says they hate you, you can screw yourself up big time just by getting mad over someone elses negativity. The person that saysthey hate youis trying to make himself feel good by hurting you. It doesn't work because he is putting out negativity and it will have to be replaced. If he does not know how you react then he will he will hold on to that negativity of thinking how much he hates you hoping it will hurt you and recycling all of that negativity. So you can get mad and cuss him but that will just start your cycle of negativity and it will last til you take that negativity and turn it around to put forth the positive. If you take that negative comment and put it in a positive aspect, Maybe think "I am glad I dont feel that way", or even more powerful, "I hope he will not let his thoughts on me bring him down too much", You will be creating a huge out put of positivity that will help you and possibly others.