The Pope Quotes a 14 th century emperor and all hell breaks loose. I guess you have to be blind not to see what is going on here. The Pope is not allowed free speech to quote another, but radical Islamic Fascist are give free range to demand the Pope be hunted down and killed. To make it even worse, the proof that the left wing bias media is anti Christianity and sympathetic to the anti west, not anti any other religion, is out there in big print. Yet it is not as obvious the the masses. The radical Islamic Fascist are open about their intent of taking over the world in the name of religion, still no word condemning them from the liberal media.
Instead you have the higher intellect of the entertainment world...
Rosie O'Donnell: "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam"
I can't remember the last time Christians beheaded the "non believer". I don't even hear anything about that either. When was the last time you heard the left wing liberal media or any politician condemn the beheading of Americans? I do hear the libs cry and pound their fist over a captured terrorist having to listen to loud rap music. They get their own personal nightclub and the libs cry torture. Beheading though gets no outcry. What about the Geneva convention? The libs demand they get our Constitutional rights but civilians beheaded in Iraq get nothing, not even a head. Thank you libs for doing your best to destroy our country.