same sex marriage rants
by flavort on Comments
Really, this can be worded and reworded to try to obtain a certain result. I can also argue for multiple partner relationships and say this is about couples rights for a three or more party relationships. I can play devils advocate all day. What is the reason for a same sex marriage? To legally claim love for somebody? Claim a sexual relationship? Does love need to be a legal agreement? If so what does that say about the trust you have for the word of your partner? If there is a natural purpose for sex, what is that purpose? What is the outcome? What is the purpose of our sexual organs? Is it not to create life? What is the most important thing to that life? Maybe the two people that made it? That life has no control over what the two people do. That is the only reason to legally bind two people together is for the sake of a life created by those two, because that child is helpless without them. Law does not need to tie two people together for a commitment they can be personally responsible for. A child needs its parents does it not? Any other reason, such as tax incentives, health care, visitation rights, ownership rights, all of these perks of marriage, and others I left out, can be arranged legally without marriage. Some of these can be arranged through the provider of that service. If marriage a way for a couple to get incentives like this then what would stop any two people to get married for the sake of getting incentives? You can say that the government needs to stay out of peoples lives, and their choices and decisions. Making same sex marriage legal does more than that. It gives the government more control of how private companies run their business. Insurance companies must provide for married people, health care must provide for married people, hospitals must allow visitation rights for married people. Leave that up to the companies and individuals to decide. Any couple can make arrangements for these things, they pay for the service. Government does not need to protect or care for a relationship.