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The Brave One, movie review, Bonus IRREVERSIBLE

The Brave One (Full-Screen Edition)

I got this one in the mail the other day and watched it and so I will fill you in on what I think. So I am not going to give much of the plot away but just the basic. Jodie Foster is getting ready to get married , to a man. First the acting on behalf of this romance was poor. You get the point though, she is in love. She is a radio host and does these little stories that Are pretty basic. Anyway the couple are having a nice night together walking there dog and they run into trouble.This causes her to change quite a bit and so does her radio show. As you can see from the cover of the movie she now buys a gun. So you are thinking it is a revenge flick but thats not all of it. It does have more plot than that which is pretty cool. The issue I have with it is the whole wrap up of all of this is very weak. There is a lot of times when you will be able to guess what is going to happen. It is almost like they made it to obvious just to dumb it down. Most of it would not possibly work the way they want it to so it is got a decent lame factor. It is one of the ones you should only watched if you have nothing else to do and still I think you should clean the house. It is watchable only once and you will not be impressed so dont go out of your way to rent it. It is a waste of entertainment. It could have been a pretty good flick but failed to be reasonable.

To add to this I will give a little insight to the list I have have of movies I like. I know unless you have seen them before you may not recognize the cover. So I will go through them with evey review I do. First off....


This is in the top ten for me. This is a great movie, some I have shown it to had to leave the room. One person said it was ok. He is wrong, according to me. It all plays in reverse. You will get a scene and you will be in shock, then it goes back to what led up to that scene. It does this throughout the whole movie. It is very effective. There are people that will say to me "it is hard to follow", "it is in subtitles". Get over it. That how many of the best movies are, go watch dodgeball or something. So one of the coolest underground aspects of it is the first scene. I will only tell you to watch "I Stand Alone" only then will you figure it out. It is crazy and disturbing stuff. There are so many great scenes in this movie. It is hard as hell and happy as heaven all at different times. I just love all the sybolic aspects to it and it is life, good and bad, caring and careless, life and death. It is a must see in my book and a warning it is one of the most disturbing movies that I love.