Things seem to be coming down so hard right now. I had some city inspector come by and ask if I had a permit for the deck I built over a month ago. What the hell. I dont need a permit to have a deck, maybe to build one but not to have one. So this just does not happen, somebody had to call about it. So every contractor will tell you that this never happens unless somebody calls. Now that somebody has called they also know that is not a big deal unless you are in the city where the inspectors suk. I live in the city. So now I have to survey the land and submit plans. What the f man all for a deck. This type of crap NEVER happens. Contractors dont pull permits for decks EVAR. Then my wife got a job offer at the hospital she has been trying to get into for ever and so she left the full time job she had for this part time one to get her foot in the door. Well this straight up B that was training my wife, found out she was not getting the transfer she wanted and would not be getting the job she wanted. So she treated my wife like trash, did not train her, and made insulting remarks to her until she broke down into tears. She then proceded to tell the hiring manager, that fought to get my wife the position, that my wife refused to learn her job. She was then let go by the human resources dept. I was so fin mad it was sick. I have a rental house that I need to find renters for as of Aug 29. More stress. Then to make it even better we have to reapply for her visa. She needs ties to the Country and a job is the biggest part of that. It just cant be timed ant better for a disaster. So I have a good struggle in front of me now. It is a small thing when you put life into perspective though. I have faith that I am in Good Hands and will make it through this.
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