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IP's I'd love to see from M$ as 1st/2nd party EXCLUSIVES...

Here's what I want as a gamer/customer... Now, the key components here are quality and timing. With in reason, everything needs to be permitted ample time and investment to insure it's nothing short of AAA quality. With a wide variety of games based around those things which most interest the core gamers there is simply no need to settle for rushed and unfinished projects. There would always be plenty on the table and upcoming.With having/creatingnumerous devs/IP's things would always feel fresh and exciting.It would be afar better tactic than pumping out 3 or 4 IP's as often as possible. The IP's need quality and innovation over quantity! If these things were delivered and done with quality in mind...then there would be little reason for me to game elsewhere..............

- Keep Halo(sci-fi FPS), obviously, but revamp the experience and most certainly create a new custom engine. No refining the old assoutdated engine.

- Keep Forza(sim likeracer), obviously, but again it's time for a new engine and vastly improved experience. Bring racing cars to life!

- Keep Gears of War(sci-fi TPS gore fest)if it means giving the company to Epic...lol

- Alan Wake(thriller TPS)needs a long running franchisewith the marketingand high$budget like it deserves!

- Keep Crackdown(open world mass murder IP) but seriously rebuild the game. It needs to keep it's great gameplay ideas and freedoms intact, but it needs vastly improved combat, story, visuals, variety, etc...

- Add a new and realistic military tactical "FPS with TPS cover mechanics" much like Rainbow Six. Possiblywith a mixof vehicle based gameplay such as jet fighter levels, subs, ships, or whatever's clever. Have those forces workingwith one another as you would in a real war! Keep the main story/objective/gameplay based off the needs and in the shoes of the ground forces as a FPS game however. They need an answer to SOCOM and if well done it would certainly be a big hit with Xbox core gamers!

- Add a high end and large scale "Hack and Slash" IP much in the style of Ninja Gaiden and God of War. God of War is one of if not the most revered Sony exclusive. MS has no answer for those gamers.

- Add an "arcade racer" to the stables... Possibly in the form of bringing PGR back to life, butwith a mix of racers likeNFS Most Wanted/Underground. Add a solid character, story, super deep mods to amazing cars, blinding speed with lively racing gameplay, incredible crashes, a mix of sim and arcade racing but a bit more arcade, etc...

- Bring back Brute Force or a gamelike it. A 4 player co-op "sci-fi TPS" done right would be amazing. Gears is not your own, so create a quality IP that is! It's obviously very popular... I loved the roster mix of different species and personalities in Brute Force. The idea was there, but the execution was rushed and fell short. Refine it and re-create it.

- Add a "RPG TPS" much in the likes of Star Trekand Mass Effect. MS should have bought Bioware when they had the chance, but that's another topic altogether... That would certainlyhave afollowing on two fronts and is truly open to being a long term and successful franchise.

- Create and add a new "Stealth action" franchise. Splinter Cell is clearly heading towards multi-platform desires and MGS heavily favors their relations with Sony. I'd love to see a game blend in the fashion of the old SC meets SC Conviction. Truly another IP that would find a home with Xbox's core gamers.

I have many more ideas for games...but these types of games I see being successful for MS. Their genre's and basic ideas have already neeb shown much interest, so the risk would be limit and the rewards very high if done well.

What types of games would you like to see?

Here's what I want as a gamer/customer... Now, the key components here are quality and timing. With in reason, everything needs to be permitted ample time and investment to insure it's nothing short of AAA quality. With a wide variety of games based around those things which most interest the core gamers there is simply no need to settle for rushed and unfinished projects. There would always be plenty on the table and upcoming.With having/creatingnumerous devs/IP's things would always feel fresh and exciting.It would be afar better tactic than pumping out 3 or 4 IP's as often as possible. The IP's need quality and innovation over quantity! If these things were delivered and done with quality in mind...then there would be little reason for me to game elsewhere..............

- Keep Halo(sci-fi FPS), obviously, but revamp the experience and most certainly create a new custom engine. No refining the old assoutdated engine.

- Keep Forza(sim likeracer), obviously, but again it's time for a new engine and vastly improved experience. Bring racing cars to life!

- Keep Gears of War(sci-fi TPS gore fest)if it means giving the company to Epic...lol

- Alan Wake(thriller TPS)needs a long running franchisewith the marketingand high$budget like it deserves!

- Keep Crackdown(open world mass murder IP) but seriously rebuild the game. It needs to keep it's great gameplay ideas and freedoms intact, but it needs vastly improved combat, story, visuals, variety, etc...

- Add a new and realistic military tactical "FPS with TPS cover mechanics" much like Rainbow Six. Possiblywith a mixof vehicle based gameplay such as jet fighter levels, subs, ships, or whatever's clever. Have those forces workingwith one another as you would in a real war! Keep the main story/objective/gameplay based off the needs and in the shoes of the ground forces as a FPS game however. They need an answer to SOCOM and if well done it would certainly be a big hit with Xbox core gamers!

- Add a high end and large scale "Hack and Slash" IP much in the style of Ninja Gaiden and God of War. God of War is one of if not the most revered Sony exclusive. MS has no answer for those gamers.

- Add an "arcade racer" to the stables... Possibly in the form of bringing PGR back to life, butwith a mix of racers likeNFS Most Wanted/Underground. Add a solid character, story, super deep mods to amazing cars, blinding speed with lively racing gameplay, incredible crashes, a mix of sim and arcade racing but a bit more arcade, etc...

- Bring back Brute Force or a gamelike it. A 4 player co-op "sci-fi TPS" done right would be amazing. Gears is not your own, so create a quality IP that is! It's obviously very popular... I loved the roster mix of different species and personalities in Brute Force. The idea was there, but the execution was rushed and fell short. Refine it and re-create it.

- Add a "RPG TPS" much in the likes of Star Trekand Mass Effect. MS should have bought Bioware when they had the chance, but that's another topic altogether... That would certainlyhave afollowing on two fronts and is truly open to being a long term and successful franchise.

- Create and add a new "Stealth action" franchise. Splinter Cell is clearly heading towards multi-platform desires and MGS heavily favors their relations with Sony. I'd love to see a game blend in the fashion of the old SC meets SC Conviction. Truly another IP that would find a home with Xbox's core gamers.

-A final fight type game would be very sweet.

- A gritty and mature cop game in the form of a TPS. Slow mo intact... Use a super tough no non-sense cop with a drinking problem who's always in trouble for the way he gets things done. However if something needs getting done he gets it done...by any means neccessary. Maybe his Lieutenant has had enough off crime and he's given our guy permission to use lethal tactics. In part two have the Lieutenant flip on our guy when stuff hits the fan to cover his own butt and our guy losses his job but see's the job through anyway. Then in part three our guy finds out the Lieutenant is dirty himself and he works to expose him and take him down to get his job back.

- A jet fighter/space fighter game would be epic as well. Maybe Earth is getting invaded and we're getting slaughtered/over run. Start the game initially with Earth in the middle of WW3 fighting human vs human. That catches alien attention and they decide to strike while we're weakened and seperated thinking we'll be easier to defeat. All of humanity has to pull together to create new technologies to survive and win our first true WW.

- A unique idea would be to create an open world game as a child born in the plains of Africa. Imagine all of the stuff you could have go on through his life to create great gaming... I'm white btw, but that landscape could make for a great game to say the least.

I have many more ideas for games...but these types of games I see being successful for MS. Their genre's and basic ideas have already neeb shown much interest, so the risk would be limit and the rewards very high if done well.

What MS must do to have a successful year!

PS3 is sure to make up huge ground or even over take them if they don't. PS3's line-up is just too strong. MS also needs to create two handed controller support for Kinect this year! Much in the style of PS's Move. It would be a MASSIVE improvement over the current Kinect and add a great deal of precision! Even if new IP's aren't in the making...at least let us know that you have plans to remedy that!!!

There is simply no way of justifying 360's cost at this point. The base unit needs to be $150, the core 250g unit $225, and the "elite" bundle for $300(250g 360s, Kinect, a few simple Kinect games). Hopefully they wise up and do so soon. If they did, not only would their sales increase despite a much weaker line-up this year, but they'd set themselves up very nicely for the future.

More consoles on the market equals more influence...and more Kinect's on the market equals more worthwhile developer interest! They truly need to created AND outsource numerous new and high quality IP's. Putting more asses in seats is the number one way to increase the chances of that happening.

Although I've sold my 360 I am considering purchasing another if priced correctly for Gears of War 3's release. A 250g 360s, Kinect, and Gears 3 bundle for $325 or less needs to happen! I'm not hoping for MS gaming death, quite the opposite, but as-is they aren't looking too good imo.

(Just read it!) Kinect is so awesome!!! It's the end all of gaming!

Seriously! MS should continue to forget about creating new IP's and building/supporting the fan base that's gotten them this far. Just focus on the new! Sure Kinect is laggy and non-responsive, but who cares!? Just kick sooner! The games are priced right and are extremely high quality and appealing to everyone! It's not a problem there's no controller support, just shoot real guns and throw real grenades...I mean jump over clouds and pet kitty cats.

Who needs exclusives like Bioshock, Ace Combat, Mass Effect, PGR, Alan Wake, etc... or any development companies who've created the likes? They can just pay billions for timed exclusivity until it doesn't work anymore...and they bought Rare! Sure they'll lose a bundle in the long run by paying for 2/3rds effort IP's and never be able to count on anything or anyone, but they can make that money up by charging $60 for two year old games from Games on Demand! Awesome business plan!

Kinect is the difference maker... As long as we get Kinect support for THE LAST "exclusive" Gears of War and support for the yearly Forza and Halo games(who are now hiring and will probably rush it) then that's really all that's needed, right? That should be enough to build the best possible franchise. :) That should be enough to hold us over until Kinect 2.0 next gen! The management and desire to elevate Xbox goes unmatched. It's no wonder they are the world's most successful software company, and it truly shines through in their gaming! I would never switch to Sony... Nah, a shooter or two, selling more CoD, and Kinect is enough.

360 vs PS3! How do they stack up?

I match and compare them like so:

Infamous > Crackdown - Infamous has left Crackdown in last gen.

Halo > Resistance - in every way imaginable except for Halo's lack of bosses.

Forza > Gran Turismo - I must admit...and GT was a big reason I bought my PS3.

Uncharted > Alan Wake - they both have great characters and a deep intense focus on story. Uncharted just does it a bit better and looks twice as nice.

Gears of War > Killzone - better gameplay and gore galore. Killzone 3 looks great however, so who knows after the 3's.

LBP > Viva Pinata - but who gives a crap.

Heavy Rain > Too Human - I compared these because they both blow, but at least Heavy Rain is wet.

Ratchet and Clank > Banjoo Kiddy or whatever - I don't even know, but it's more popular so why not.

Move > Kinect - for ages 12 and up

360 mutiplats > PS3 multiplats - nearly always and sometimes by quite a bit. PS3 has gotten closer.

Live = PSN - more featured, but cost as much as a new game and has still become ad filled and kiddy motivated.

PS3 blu-ray > 360 dvd

PS3 internet access > 360 "special features"

God of War devs next game = Crytek's Kingdoms - if a true 360 exclusive and not just timed bs. Can't yet compare so I'll rate equal for now.

Warhawk = MechWarrior - if a true 360 exclusive and not just timed bs. Can't yet compare so I'll rate equal for now.

Twisted Metal, The Last Gaurdian, Mag, MLB The Show, and Motorstorm all go unanswered!

Splinter Cell > anything if it's actually a 360 exclusive...or was that more timed bs or just for one game?

PS3 one time exclusives = 360's - it's a tie here for number and quality.

PS3 1st party >>> 360's

360's 3rd party >>> PS3's

PS3 hardware >>> 360's

WINNER PS3! but 360 owners aren't exactly hurting either...

Why I'm done with M$...

I was a hardcore Xbox fan. At one time they had nearly every killer exclusive that interested me this gen. However, with nearly every former exclusive now multi-console, ending, failed, or cancelled out after lack luster sales( for not being a straight shooter) I'm making the switch. M$ hasn't shown me they are serious about gaming since they paid $50,000,000 for GTA IV DLC...which ended up on PS3! lol I have over 70,000 gamer points, NUMEROUS downloaded full games, movies, etc...but I'm getting out while my 360 slim is still worth actual money.

At this point I don't trust any M$ "exclusive" actually being an exclusive. Mainly due to the fact that nothing is M$ owned and their given history. They have a second hand Halo and Forza. Both bound to be milked yearly due to having nothing else... Oh yeah, the forgetable Fable and Kinect! M$ is just out for the easy buck and has clearly shown they aren't truly willing to invest in their own franchise. They've let everything slip with the attitude of, oh well, we'll just pay someone else off for 6 months.

They showed such great potential...but squandered it with terrible management decisions and lousy hardware they pushed on us all. Which amazingly they let carry on for years! It seems they have no true interest in investing in and raising new talent. They are a fair weather gaming company who may be here today, but you can't count on tomorrow. They over price, lack service, and strip down everything. Take the potentially epic games on demand for example. They OVER price instead of giving reasonable deals and then top it off with selling you incomplete versions. They may have price matched a store bought game, but don't include the dlc the store version now does. M$... They treat everything and everyone in that manner. They lost their way and nearly all their gaming vision. Bye bye exclusives...hopefully I'll see you soon on my PS3.

I'm looking forward to when I can play Alan Wake 2 on my PS3! That along with the fourth versions of Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears, etc. Maybe they should go the way of Sega and just help put out a few games. My PS would love to sport the new Halo, Forza, and Crackdown.


What needs to be done to make Forza the game it should be

First off, good game. Not great, but the talent is there if the desire is... I love the series, so that's why I'm making this blog! It is a must buy for 360 racing fans! There's quite a bit so I'll use a list format instead of paragraphs. I'll include some likes and dislikes and trick myself into believing Turn 10 gives a **** about what I want.

WHAT I'D LOVE TO SEE ADDED: (I'll start with the obvious)

- Controls. Imo Forza has the best controls in gaming... A great blend of sim/arcade. However they aren't perfect. Especially when modded. My new mods/weight loss would have more effect. Drifting is absolutely horrible btw. Look at NFS Prostreet. I hate that damn game, but they drilled the drifting and drag races. Learn from those and build on that... I should be able to maintain control through corners into the next. Now that's gameplay! Maybe make the right stick for shifting in manual optional. X can look left, B right, and A behind you. Y or LB can serve as the e-brake. Maybe click the right stick down and then move it to look around.

- Speed! If you update nothing else, this is it! The speed is not bad, but it's not on a realistic level. Give me heart pounding, pavement ripping, tire shreading speed! I want to feel that speed as well. Look at Need For Speed Shift in terms of feeling it and improve upon that with more speed!

- Better visuals. Great job updating the visuals and a few boards look outstanding, but loose the previous builds that you just touch up. They clearly look inferior to new levels. Re-do them! Cars look good, but roofs look flat and curves just don't pop out like they should.

- If you wait until next gen, please don't just slap on a few new textures like you did with Forza 2!!! Create a monster game!

- Sound. Too many similar sounding cars. If you do actually go look at these cars record them! My Trans Am certainly doesn't sound the same after adding a new SLP loudmouth exhaust either... Nor does a car sound the same after bolting on a super charger. They sound different from the front and back as well. If a supercharged Saleen is coming up on me I want to hear that. Details people.

- Soundtrack. Wow, just wow. How bad is that!? Very... Chevelle, Creed, Linkin Park, etc. Try and think of who's playing your games... THANKS!

- Modes and race types. Add them...and make them good. Your drags and drifting suck hard.

- More than 8 cars on the track! At least in some races if not all...

- No off track quick sand grass! Keep the surfaces realistic. Only pure sand will slow a car like it's in sand...

- Racing effects! Let's see some smoking tires, blown tires go flying, blown engines catch on fire and throw parts, dust, oil, pit stop crews, etc.

- Bring the game to life! Crashes should be brought to life, along with speed, high speed cornering, drifting, etc. Again, NFS is the best example of bringing racing alive. This time in the form of Shift.

- Interactive. No radio chatter whatsoever? Really? No driver duels. No looking around the cockpit and and seeing the guy battling you for first give you the bird or concentrating on the pass?

- Day AND night racing. If races are done at night, when do they happen in your game? Maybe even longer races going from day to night? 24hr sim races?

- Weather! I guess it's always sunny in Philadelphia where all your races take place?

- Easier painting for those of us who are less skilled. Pre-set paint jobs, etc. Keep the advanced painting for those with that creative know how, but I'd like to flame up my Trans Am as well. On pre-set models allow for color adjustments.

- MORE RACE LOCATIONS! Different turns are nice, but I've been here 6,423x already!

- Car garages. The garages in the Project Gotham racing games were so **** cool. Awesome and easy touch.

- Fire whoever rates your cars. He's an idiot. Hire someone who knows cars and what they can do...

- Less lower ****races and more upper ****racing! After a season each of B, C, D, E, F I don't even want to think about those cars!

- Create a racer. Even if I rarely get to see him, I want to think I'm driving the car. If you add radio chatter, add a names list.

- Add top fuel drag cars as the top ****for drag racing. Only if you bring the experience alive however.

- VIP content? WTF... DO NOT short us for paying $60 for your game instead of $70!

- LESS MILK!!! Don't skimp us on content and hold it back for DLC. Thankfully Gran Turismo releases full games...

- DLC. DLC is great, but don't cheat us. Also when you do DLC it should be added to the single player experience and not just multi-player. If I buy a new track pack which you have actually created and not just held back...I want to race it in single player career mode too!

Do these things and more, and you'll have an AMAZING game with the industries highest praise and respect!

- real time reflections on the cars
- Natal for head tracking in the cockpit
- Odometer so you know how much you've driven each car
- Decals on the cars are very low resolution ingame.
- Annoying lower polygon cars ingame
- More rocking to the car when going up hill or down. I don't want GTA4 ****rocking, but something on the more realistic side.
- Cockpit view to be adjustable WITH the analog sticks ability to look left or right. Maybe with the ability to look around when holding it down.
- Legs? If you ever played Shift you would know what I'm talking about. I want to see my legs hitting the accelerator/brake.
- Motion blur needs to be implemented such as the motion blur added when replaying a clip. I shouldn't be-able to see a tree perfectly when going 100MPH unless I'm tracking it.
- Windshield doesn't exist, at all! I want to see cracks, rain droplets, or maybe some glare if I didn't customize my car to have tinted windows.
- When making custom decals I want to flip over my decal perfectly instead of taking the X/Y axis and reversing it into the negatives/positives, and sometimes that doesn't work because Y axis objects are flipped.
- More effects, you know? For a simulator it seems very arcadish when it comes to visuals. I mean it looks **** great, but plain, like there is something missing.
- If I put the brakes on too hard I want to hear grinding. I know this happens but only when you drift, or powerslide.