flexin007 / Member

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What MS must do to have a successful year!

PS3 is sure to make up huge ground or even over take them if they don't. PS3's line-up is just too strong. MS also needs to create two handed controller support for Kinect this year! Much in the style of PS's Move. It would be a MASSIVE improvement over the current Kinect and add a great deal of precision! Even if new IP's aren't in the making...at least let us know that you have plans to remedy that!!!

There is simply no way of justifying 360's cost at this point. The base unit needs to be $150, the core 250g unit $225, and the "elite" bundle for $300(250g 360s, Kinect, a few simple Kinect games). Hopefully they wise up and do so soon. If they did, not only would their sales increase despite a much weaker line-up this year, but they'd set themselves up very nicely for the future.

More consoles on the market equals more influence...and more Kinect's on the market equals more worthwhile developer interest! They truly need to created AND outsource numerous new and high quality IP's. Putting more asses in seats is the number one way to increase the chances of that happening.

Although I've sold my 360 I am considering purchasing another if priced correctly for Gears of War 3's release. A 250g 360s, Kinect, and Gears 3 bundle for $325 or less needs to happen! I'm not hoping for MS gaming death, quite the opposite, but as-is they aren't looking too good imo.