I was a hardcore Xbox fan. At one time they had nearly every killer exclusive that interested me this gen. However, with nearly every former exclusive now multi-console, ending, failed, or cancelled out after lack luster sales( for not being a straight shooter) I'm making the switch. M$ hasn't shown me they are serious about gaming since they paid $50,000,000 for GTA IV DLC...which ended up on PS3! lol I have over 70,000 gamer points, NUMEROUS downloaded full games, movies, etc...but I'm getting out while my 360 slim is still worth actual money.
At this point I don't trust any M$ "exclusive" actually being an exclusive. Mainly due to the fact that nothing is M$ owned and their given history. They have a second hand Halo and Forza. Both bound to be milked yearly due to having nothing else... Oh yeah, the forgetable Fable and Kinect! M$ is just out for the easy buck and has clearly shown they aren't truly willing to invest in their own franchise. They've let everything slip with the attitude of, oh well, we'll just pay someone else off for 6 months.
They showed such great potential...but squandered it with terrible management decisions and lousy hardware they pushed on us all. Which amazingly they let carry on for years! It seems they have no true interest in investing in and raising new talent. They are a fair weather gaming company who may be here today, but you can't count on tomorrow. They over price, lack service, and strip down everything. Take the potentially epic games on demand for example. They OVER price instead of giving reasonable deals and then top it off with selling you incomplete versions. They may have price matched a store bought game, but don't include the dlc the store version now does. M$... They treat everything and everyone in that manner. They lost their way and nearly all their gaming vision. Bye bye exclusives...hopefully I'll see you soon on my PS3.
I'm looking forward to when I can play Alan Wake 2 on my PS3! That along with the fourth versions of Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears, etc. Maybe they should go the way of Sega and just help put out a few games. My PS would love to sport the new Halo, Forza, and Crackdown.