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Super Tuesday

February 5th is slowly approaching and most likely, we will know who our next presidential candidates are going to be. So get out there folks, and vote your heart and most especially, your minds for the best candidate, OBAMA. Yes, I am an Obama supporter. After years of political science classes and even more time and money spent getting my law degree, I am finally going to vote for the first time in my 29 years in the United States. Why now you may ask? Well, Obama is the first candidate I really ever felt passionate about. Way back when, I used to like Howard Dean, and planned to vote for him to beat Bush in 2004. But he screamed and the media crucified him. I remember seeing it liv on television and thought wow, he's so enthusiastic and energized, just pumped up about going out there and winning it. And then the media and papers started making fun of him and Dean's scream was reduced to a tiny whimper. So ladies and germs, I, flinched of tv.com do hereby cast my vote for Obama and think you should too. Thank you for listening, and may the best man or woman win.