flip_kc79 / Member

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Another Day Another Time #18

Hey guys,

My family has been having some problems lately. As well as my mother not being satisfied with my Report Card. To which I did good! Not incredible but good! She was all like C+ and A's were bad! She's been VERY moody and it's making for some VERY rough days! I hate it so much. I need help guys...I need to get away.


I've been doing alot of school lately. I somehow squeezed in some Halo hours which I am happy of. I started up my Grand Theft Auto San Andreas CD again a while ago. I want to finish it so I can see what happends to CJ and his brother, Sweet.

Basketball sign up's started today but I didn't go to it because I needed to go with my friend to his house. I can sign up tomorrow. Hopefully this year it's alot better because last year we only won 3 games.

Bah I don't feel like writing right now...sorry guys my mom really pisses me off right now. Peace.



P.S. I'm level 10 now on Halo 2...again because I lost it a while back (went back to level 9).