flip_kc79 / Member

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Another Day Another Time #77

Hey All,

Just woke up and decided to write my journal entry. Yeah I know it's pretty early but Jekyll does it too! So if you're going to get mad at me you shouldn't because that would be unjust.

I got a new skateboard that ironically is my old deck. I lent it to my friend and I asked if I could have it back and he said "Sure, why not?" So I got it back and now I'm skatin' again! It feels good to be back on my board.

I didn't get GT4 on the 22nd of February. I'm getting it today on the 23rd of February. I was so angry when they said they weren't selling it till the 23rd. Bah! I'm going to arrange my room again so that it's optimized for gaming pleasure. It will awesome....I wish I could have a digital camera to show you. Then again I do have one but I don't have the USB connector to put it to my computer. Sorry guys. But yeah I'm getting it today. After I get my computer I'm getting the Logitech Driving Wheel Pro (or whatever it's called...as long as it's from Logitech and has 900 degree steering).

Nothing much else happened since last entry because the game didn't come out yet...so maybe tonight I'll give you all a Gran Turismo 4 Review! I should start reviewing games again because I've played alot through rentals.

Well I must be off. I need to finish some stuff before school starts. Peace!




P.S. I will find the tag for the Mavriks....I know I have it around here somewhere!