flip_kc79 / Member

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Another Day Another Time #79

Hey all,

Regards to GT4's LAN mode - I decided to give up on LAN settings for now because it's just getting ridiculous. I'll probably start working on it again when I get home. I read that you can't even use your garage cars in LAN mode so I don't see why it's that important anymore. I'll just stick with 2-Player mode and GT mode.

I haven't touched Xbox Live for a while now since GT4 came out. Almost a whole week or 2. Can't remember. Brain is fried from all the gaming.

School has been doing pretty good. My mom told me I need straight B's. I'm kinda worried that I won't get a B in Power Mechanics because I hate what we're doing right now. And apparently we won't be working on 4-cycle engines anymore...which was one of the reasons why I wanted to join the course. Damn!

I'll be heading home today from ShadeZero's house, he's still asleep and I'm awaiting him to wake up so we can start playing again. GT4 is amazing...just plain...amazing. I don't want to spoil it so pick up the game already!!!

Well I better stop this journal...I'm getting kinda hungry. See ya'll later! Peace.



(I'll try and look for my Mavrik's tag...I have it around here somewhere :P) 64167317