Hey all,
Sorry I have been just coming back and leaving over and over again. I'll try and keep a steady posting of my journal entries.
I'll start posting in my Union again too since I'm back and I'll be trying to help our Union's level and whatnot. Not alot of people visit the boards and it's kind of slowing down now.
I think I'm almost failing most of my subjects in school now that I had to miss alot of school and yeah...I've been thinking about my move to the Philippines and what not...it's just so crazy that this is happening! But nonetheless I'm excited for what the future has to bring and I hope that only the best comes to my Mom and I since it's us that are moving the Philippines.
My ex-girlfriend talked to me last night and I was quite shocked to see her username blinking at the bottom of my taskbar on my PC. She told me she missed me and that she loved me. Apparently she was never over me in the first place and we could be getting back together but I'm not even sure about that yet. I do miss her alot though. Love makes you do crazy things.
Anyways, I'm gonna go now! Peace all.