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Happy Valentine's Day! (Another Day Another Time Series)

Hey all!

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friend's and family (including my GameSpot friends...don't think that I forgot about you guys!).



I hope you all missed me on my absence because I'm back! Sorry I've been gone for a while...been busy with CounterStrike, Champions : Return to Arms and, HD Stafford High School. The latter is quite more challenging then the former 2. Other then that I've been either sleeping, eating or both...somehow.

My new semester has been doing me good so far. I enjoy all my classes so far and I really love english. I've aced every single spelling test and project we've had so far in that class so it's been pretty good. I should be scoring fairly high in all my classes. I might be switching out of Power Mechanics but I don't know yet. Schoolmates have been good so far and no other stress has been interrupting my studies (Thank God!) and no girl has been giving my heart a tug. I guess I'll be alone this Valentine's Day :cry:. At least I got my sweet sweet videogames.

I found out some cheaper ways to get my computer ( I decided not to get high performance right away, so this will be a good stepping stone) and I am quite satisfied with it. I'll post it in my next journal entry. It may not be the best but it'll do for a beginner PC Builder like me!

I've been really into this band Green Day lately : They did the songs Boulevard of Broken Dreams and American Idiot. Their album (American Idiot) should be on sale for $14.99 CAN. A good find I say. I also recommend looking at their older stuff. And for the punk fans, I've been looking into the band "Johnny Thunders". My friend introduced me into them and I like their stuff too.

Mr. Johnny Thunders (2000)

I'll also be getting a skateboard deck with their logo on it. It'll be awesome! (picture unavailable)

Brrr! It's still been pretty cold up here in Canada..I don't recommend playing Tennis in shorts...which is what I did with my dad on the weekend! After a good 2 hours of Tennis we went to go watch the latest Will Smith movie "Hitch". I recommend that movie to anyone who has had heartbreak before or just wants a good laugh...(or both!).

Well I'm going to go start my mini English project! Thanks for reading and more on my life tomorrow at approximately 3:30pm! Peace!

