Its too much of a shooter. Not a star wars game. I like that its not first person by default. I wish they got rid of the iron sights mode altogether. I don't want a battle field game, i want a star wars game. The Hoth level is too big. It becomes a snipe fest with the OP sniper rifle. In a game where accuracy is random (spread not recoil) having a highly accurate near instakill weapon is broken.
All the guns are the same and bland. They sound the same, They look the same. They're just variations on ROF and damage. Lame is too gentle of a word. I understand you have an IP to deal with but surely you can do something to make it better, color the beams different, add splash, penetration, better sound effects...anything. Blasters on the AT-ST are weak and no splash, making them not too impressive to use.
Hoth is a CF. The rebels can't ever stop the AT-ATs. It should be more about clear objective taking and not just a race against the clock to find coordination with a couple dozen random strangers. You're asking a lot of people.
For a game where terrain navigation is important, its really hard on the drop zone map. I'm stuck on rocks, trying to jump over things all the time. A little help for navigating obstacles would be a HUGE help. Be more forgiving on letting people get over things or add a vault option. The jump jet is the only way to get to certain places without knowing the exact path to get there. That's pretty lame also. It slows the game down...again making me wonder what the overall vision for the gameplay was.
There's not enough variety in the game outside of being a sub par shooter. It wants to not be battlefield but in the process they made it a worse version of battlefield. It needs more jedi, more cool star-warsy stuff. It need AI grunts like whoa. It needs a dose of titanfall... Frequent power ups that make you feel like you're making a difference but also change up the pace from being a shooter. It needs more mobility to make it less of a tactical shooter since its hell bent on making accuracy randomized (which I'm fine with, just make the game build on dog fights and mobility instead of GI joe style fire fights).
The tldr; is, I'm very disappointed. It doesn't feel fun. I enjoyed shooting people on the drop zone map and got pretty good at it, but its not worth my money since there are better mp shooters out there. Everything I was stoked about gets overshadowed by the blah-ness of the base gameplay.. My preoder money has been forfeit.
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