Try to experience those emotions that as a man I supposedly cannot.foxhound_foxPMS? :0
fluffybuffalo's forum posts
I've wound up liking other games for these consoles more, but these were the games that sold them for me at the time.
GB Color: Pokemon Yellow. My first game, and my first console. The memories. :')
DS: Phoenix Wright, actually.
PS2: The DDR games.
PS3: I don't have one yet, but the desire to play FFXIII might make me buy one someday.
Ew, I don't want one.
I guess I would be the world's most amazing drag queen for 24 hours.
I would sort of like to see what it's like to pee standing up, come to think of it.
I actually can't imagine being turned on by myself as a guy. I guess I'd pick up a straight girl or a gay guy, as I'd never have another chance at that.
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