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Almost There :D

it is Saturday where i am and it is exactle 7 days to the next saturday. the best saturday ever. no, it is not birthday. IT IS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS :lol::lol::lol:

we have had our last maths, science and geography lessons. all lessons i hate very much. i can't wait. we miss the afternoon lessons on the monday for leavers assembly, (i am leaving to go to high school so we have a big assembly with awards) tuesday is a normal day:cry:, wednesday, we are in none uniform and do loads of fun stuff :lol:, thursday, we go to pleisure-wood hills fo the day :lol: and friday we have another fun day but we don't have a non-uniform day :lol::(

just a little word from...

*drum roll*

... FLUMP101

(i hven't got a miny story as there is nothing to complain about or to write about unfortunately :( soz to all you guy who wanted one. i will do a massive one in my next blog to make up for it so be extra exited when my next blog comes out.)