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flurfgirl Blog

New Supernatural Episode

I am really excited about the new Supernatural episode tonight.  Actually I am really excited the see the rest of this season.  All the episode descriptions I have read look great.  I want to find out what is happening to Sam ,although I bet they will hide that 'til season 3.  I hope there is a season 3!!  Has anybody heard anything?


Banned? I don't get it.  I have never been banned from anything before.  I just got a message that I have been banned from the Soprano's live chat.  I didn't even get into the room or say anything.  In fact I have never been on a live chat at tv.com.  Is this a weird freaky link thing or did I offend someone with my across the internet BO?  Please tell me.  I would be glad to put on deodorant and rejoin the human race.... or at least the Soprano's watching human race.

Spoiled Rotten by DVDs

I find that letely I simply cannot watch a first run program on TV.  As much as I would love to keep up to date on my favorite shows, I cannot sit through the commercials.  I will tape shows, but then the picture is grainy and its not as much fun.  So instead I end up a season behind and trying to hide from spoilers.  Case in point, Lost.  I have watched all of one episode this season and part of 3 others.  (not others as in the characters others as in oh never mind you know what I mean)  I tune in the then commercial time comes and I find myself changing channels in the middle of the program.  I even fast forward the little in between picture things on the DVD of Wild Wild West, this is how much I hate waiting through interruptions in my shows.  Anyway I will take my spoiled -you know what- back to rewatch season 2 of NCIS now and try to hide from spoilers about the current season.


Steaming Mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not attempted to add new information to this site in a while except for guides that I am already an editor for because some of the moderators are just plain rude.  I just submitted two new character name additions.  I was trying to get rid of those annoying "John Smith (character name)" things that idiots put in.  I knew the real character names so I thought I should add them.  Instead I get a rude reply and two more shots into my rejected submission bin.  I don't know if there is some bug but the person who moderated it thought that I was putting in the "character name" notations instead of the real character names.  Either way I did not appreciate the rude response, which was basically calling me an idiot.  It really makes me mad that I cannot report the person to anyone since they are a moderator and the guide has no owner.  It very much troubles me that a moderator would behave this way.  Anyway I guess I get overstressed about this and I should just go away.  What do you think?

Chinese Food!!!!!!!!

I am soooooo hungry.  I want chinese food now.  I don't want to wait for it to get here.  I don't care if it only takes 10 minutes.  I want it now dag nabbit.  *sigh* sorry about the tantrum.  It is quite unlike me.  I just haven't eaten anything all day except a container of yogurt around 11:00am  and now it is almost 6 and I am going slightly batty.  foooooooooooooooodddddddd......

I It's been a long long time...

I figured since I haven't posted a blog in awhile maybe I should. I am doing well... except that I still haven't won the lottery and quit my job, but hey a girl can dream.  Then again I would also settle for a night with my newest obsession "Supernatural's" Jensen Ackles.  Sigh.... Anyway Hello :oops: 

Back To Work

I go back to work tomorrow... I am conflicted about how I feel about this.  I am upset that I have to start back to work still sick, and of course I will miss my vacation.  I do miss work though (but if you tell anyone I work with I will deny it), work is a big part of my life and it feels weird and wrong when it is not there you know?  Well... like it or not tomorrow is the day. 

I hate being sick

I have (counting today) two days left of vacation before work starts again.  I have been sick for about 5 days now.  I absolutely hate it (duh).  Each day is an exciting new set of symptoms.  Today is the fun - cough constantly so that you can't talk, type or do much of anything except cough day.  That is of course mixed with the old - some old fat invisible guy is sitting on my chest and won't get off - and - I am so under the influence of medicine that my head feels like it is making a round the world cruise without me.  I am going back to bed now...I will write again soon if I don't overdose on nyquil.

Disneyland Fun!

I just got back from Disneyland.  I had a great time!  I have gone to Disneyland every year for as long as I can remember.  I went twice during the 50th birthday stuff.  The park is as beautiful as ever.  There are some changes some good and some bad.  The worst thing for me is the way the staff has changed.  I remember most of the people being genuinly friendly and happy to be working there.  Now I saw a whole lot of people who look just has happy as the fry cook at my local mcDonalds.  Oh well I guess times have to change.... I had a good time anyway :)

YAY!!! Vacation

I finally get my vacation.  I will be away until Tuesday.  I don't usually get many items in my queue but just in case, please don't report me MIA.  As I said I will be back Tuesday.


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