Personally I don't see a problem with Nintendo's choices and strategies. I think we can all see they are not afraid to rock the boat a little and try something different, even if it is not up to some people's preferences. But that's Nintendo you can trust them to be different.
I think if Nintendo sold the most consoles or less than they did in the last gen, they would still go forward the way they have (Bringing out the Wii/New versions of the DS). All companies are here for money (Why wouldn't they be?), but to me Nintendo has showed how they don't mind taking risks, even if that looses some of it's fan base.
With all respect to Sony and Microsoft, but if they had a good thing going like Nintendo did back in the days from NES to SNES, would they go and change the pad like Nintendo did for the N64 (I doubt it, they would do what sells)? I am aware the pad changed between the NES and the SNES but the N64 was no longer a joypad that everybody had got used to from previous consoles, it was totally different (Some loved it, some hated it). Then the change to the cube in comparison to the Xbox and PlayStation 2, with the small discs, and majority of so called (Cartoon games). Which lead to the Wii introducing the wireless motion sensor pads.
I mean whenever you think of Xbox and PlayStation it is all down to personal taste as to which is better. This is the same with the Wii, but it is also distinctly different. Xbox and PlayStation are like competing for graphics superiority, and online, there isn't much which sets them apart (Ok when we crack it open to hardware level yes there is). But what I am trying to say is at face value there isn't much in it. Kind of like buying 2 PCs one built with an Intel Motherboard and CPU with an Nvidia graphics card and one built with an AMD motherboard and CPU with an ATI graphics card. If you are now thinking well Nvidia is better because... or ATI is better because... you are missing my point. The differences are architectural and spec related. You can't just look at it and see the difference or interact and see the difference. Like a touch screen monitor instead of a keyboard, mouse, with an LCD monitor.
Whereas the Wii does give that technological difference in the next gen consoles. Changes will always be good for some but not really settle with others. All in all I appreciate these changes, because some I think "I don't really like that" and some I think "That was awesome". But at least they tried it and I now have a better observation of how that works in practice rather than theory. I am not going to be-grudge any company trying something new, I will just comment on the fact it didn't do it for me.
I love my PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii. But as a whole I have a huge amount of respect for Nintendo for going against the grain and keeping things interesting and no doubt inspiring a lot of companies in the games industry to be different once in a while. I don't think there is any need to look at who to blame. This is all down to personal choice/taste/and preferences. The games industry needs people to not like some, things they put out, so they know what people want more of and what people want less of.
Believe me if Nintendo's profits are nothing like they expected from the Wii when they sit down and tally up, then the next console they make will come out guns blazing. 8)
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