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#1 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

For me I always try to play one video game at a time. Because I enjoy taking it in and I don't want to start something else and end up never coming back to it, which I have done before. Like right now I just got Dishonered, Skyrim and Borderlands 2 on black friday and I have been playing Dishonored, which is fantastic by the way. But, I have the urge to open up Borderlands 2 and try it out. Lol, but I'm going to try to stick to Dishonored until I beat it. Is anyone else like me or do you guys like to play more then one video game at a time?

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#2 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

Max Payne 3, I'm preordering it this weekend

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#3 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

Mine are

PS3: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

360: Halo 3

Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Just to make this interesting, what is your favorite exclusive out of your three? For me, I have to go with Super Mario Galaxy 2. It expanded on already a brilliant game and was bigger and better in every way.

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#4 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts


[QUOTE="Pirate700"]That's what I've found too. Most of the people that didn't think HS was the best era of their life were the really weird kids or the ones that spent lunch in the library.


I'm not one of those kids. I'm not super popular or anything, but I have a lot of friends that I hangout with. I just don't enjoy sitting in class, falling asleep and being bored out of my mind. Then coming home doing tons hw, then the next day doing all that stuff over again. I run track, which is pretty hard work and tiring, but I enjoy it. Maybe my original post blew my hatred out of proportion, but I hate high school a lot more then I love it.

Nobody enjoys the actual class/home work. If that's all you see the high school era of your life as is work, then you're missing out.

I'm not talking about the era. I'm talking about school in general. On the weekends I party and have fun with my friends. On the weekdays high school pretty much sucks.

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#5 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts


[QUOTE="bobaban"]If you find HS hard, you must be really stupid. I wasn't popular but at least I was smart. fueled-system

Woah, chill. I take almost all honors/accelerated classes this year. I'm not stupid. I'm sure you had trouble in at least one class sometime in your four years of high school.

High school is FAR easier then College.... The papers/projects you guys do are a joke compared to the average college class. No matter how high up you have little to complain your life is fine.... try being a college graduate right now in an economy where 100s of people are applying for a single job.. Be thankful..

I understand. It's just a large leap from my junior high, where classes were jokingly easy. I complain, but I still try my best and try to make my parents happy. I'll do the same in college, even though I'll still complain, but I'll do it to the best of my ability.

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#6 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

[QUOTE="swivet-"]The only kids who seriously hated high school when I was there were really stupid kids or really weird kids. I'm going to assume you're neither of these things, so lighten up and enjoy it. Pirate700

That's what I've found too. Most of the people that didn't think HS was the best era of their life were the really weird kids or the ones that spent lunch in the library.

I'm not one of those kids. I'm not super popular or anything, but I have a lot of friends that I hangout with. I just don't enjoy sitting in class, falling asleep and being bored out of my mind. Then coming home doing tons hw, then the next day doing all that stuff over again. I run track, which is pretty hard work and tiring, but I enjoy it. Maybe my original post blew my hatred out of proportion, but I hate high school a lot more then I love it.

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#7 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

If you find HS hard, you must be really stupid. I wasn't popular but at least I was smart. bobaban

Woah, chill. I take almost all honors/accelerated classes this year. I'm not stupid. I'm sure you had trouble in at least one class sometime in your four years of high school.

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#8 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

Well I have to admit. I truly don't hate everything about high school. I do like some aspects of it. Though, it seems like whenever I start to like it something changes my mind immediately.

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#9 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

I know I'm only a freshman in high school, but so far I absolutely hate it. They say it's the best four years of your life, other then college and that seems bull to me. Tons of homework every night, a lot of pressure from my parents to get good grades, which is driving me crazy. All my classes are super boring and I could barely stay awake in them. Even though some of my classes are pretty hard and I should be paying attention. My high school is very large with over 4500 kids that attend the school. Though, my friends do make it better, I just really don't see how anyone can say high school is the best four years of your life. I already miss junior high. So, how did you guys like high school? And does anyone have or had the same issues I've been having?

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#10 flyingtorso2
Member since 2010 • 790 Posts

When I first heard the name it didn't sound very appetizing to me. It sounded like some kind of dietary supplement rather then a crunchy, and tasty snack. But, when I first tried them the were amazing and they're now my favorite thing to snack on. Does anyone else here really like Wheat Thins?