Unless it's an open world fps like in Farcry, I don't think a full retail release is a good idea. Releasing it like this is a smart move that will definitely bring a lot of people to like this game. Though I am looking forward to an open world western fps.
I can bet that if this guy go big, he'll be just like Activision and becoming a talentless hack that only cares about money. I can feel it. Unless he did something like helping a kid in hospital who wants to play Fez or help kittens, this guy will end up in the gutter one day as a has been one hit wonder. My gut feeling is almost never wrong.
The guy lost my respect after that issue with the Xbox patch. Thankfully I don't have an Xbox360 anymore, and even if I have it, I won't even buy this game. That asshole deserves to get punched in the face and his glasses stuck to his eyeballs.
RE6 is like the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Critics hated it, average of 44% on Rotten Tomatoes for whatever retarded reasons they have for a kids movie, but for those who watches it its a great movie and a lot of fun to watch. For RE6, its the same thing. All of my friends, and i mean ALL 20 of my friends and me played this and we loved it. At first we're like "hm, 45? I have a bad feeling about this." Then we actually played it, and its one of the best third person shooter game that we have ever played in a while. Good thing for the negative review though because Capcom needs the bad publicity to stop their stupid dlc scams. Oh wait, RE REvelations will be out and critics will give that game a 85 out of 100 and RE6 haters will like it even though they said they hated CApcom. What a bunch of hypocrite morons.
I still play RE6 To this day, and teenage mutant ninja turtles. Great fun back then and still is fun now.
that statement is 6 months old already, its ridiculous.i bet you havent played the game at all. I played RE6, and It is definitely better than what the score suggests. It has 4 campaigns, 1 campaign is like a completely different game on its own, the control is varied and responsive for a third person shooting game where you can do special close range attacks, the ai for zombies is great because they are ferocious and wont stop till they kill you, the partner is not as annoying as in RE5 because they're a lot smarter now, the whole campaign took me 30 hours to finish, and there's 1000 unlockables to keep busy, unlike any other third person shooter game where they only give 5 hours of gameplay with only competitive multiplayer to make it longer. Only the QTE is annoying but theres only like 8 of them in some spots, not like RE5 where theres 12. I would give it 90.
Army of Two devils cartel deserves a 40. I dont buy the game but I saw the aythrough from RadBrad and its just unappealing to look at. Nothing innovative, the campaign is only 5 hours, Rios and Salem are replaced by these 2 cookie cutter characters, the partner mechanic like the agro metre is replaced with generic third person shooter mechanics, the enemy ai is as dumb as a dog,.... You rather play Bioshock Infinite and 1 campaign of RE6 than this crap. 1 out of 4 campaign of RE6 is 6 hours long with a ton of variety. In fact if you want a great third person shooter in your collection, RE6 is in the top list, among MGS4, Uncharted, Binary Domain, Spec Ops and Gears. Im dead serious, i played them myself.
Mercenaries..... now THAT's a great game. EA should make a third one cause it's epic, though not as epic as Just Cause 2. Can't wait for Just Cause 3 with an island so huge it will take 1000 hours to complete the game 100%.
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