No doubt the world is overpopulated, after all, we continue to advance our society and conventional methods to keep up with all the baggage, not to mention the way resources are partitioned makes some ecologies taking more of the burden. I don't believe wars are there to control population but rather to eliminate any potential competetion, however overpopulation may itself be the indirect cause of modern wars. No matter the reasons, all I know is that evading the central concern by re-engineering the biosphere and geophere is unsubstantiated, just arguments from ignorance to push sociopolitical and economic agandas.
follyconvention's forum posts
Interesting. In my case, it was because I got all my carbs from fruit and vegatables which gave me horrible IBS symptoms for an entire year. Personally fixed the problem by adding some grains and less fruit. Plants are full of toxins that may cause intollerances whilst also contain fermentable sugar groups that feed gut microbota.
Is-ought problem? Besides, is there any conclusive data to show that homosexually is genetic prediposition? I would like to think epigentics could elaborate.
Well, I would argue that facism is simply the "fight" response to regulate socialists from causing overpopulation, which happens to destroy individual wellbeing and ironically, biodiversity.
Personally never been a fan of cognitive theories and their suposed neurological markers, I think research of the epigenome will eventually falsify conventional wisdom, call it antipsychiatry but I am going to aproach this humanely. I think this "awkwardness" that you experience is simply an over-analysis of the scope of things, you fail to express these political beliefs becuase you fear the idea of a higher authority descriminating you.
Thing is, people still do challenge the authority, just look at Jesse Ventura, evidently here:
You will be more confident by setting your brain free:
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